Wills of Richard and Thamasin Ellison

Will dated 14 Feb 1680 probated 13 Jun 1683 & recorded NYC, Collections of the New York Historical Society [1893:126-7].

Page 473. -- RICHARD ELLISON, Sr., Hempstead. Leaves to wife Tamison £10. Leaves to son John 150 acres of land "lying at the bottom of the Bevill," also "a lot of meadow which was John Smith's, Blue," lying at new bridge. Leaves to son Richard "50 acres of land at the bottom of said Beville." To son Thomas "22 acres of land, delivered to him by John Tredwell, and one acre had of Jonathan Smith, Rock." To son in law Joshua Janock, 10 acres "in lieu of a cow James Pine left for his wife, which cow is long since dead." Rest of estate is left to his wife for life and then to his sons Richard and Thomas, and his daughter Rachel. (Not dated.)
Witness, Joseph Smith. Proved June 13, 1683.
[NOTE.--The allusion to Jonathan Smith, "Rock," and John Smith "Blue," may be explained by the fact that at a very early date there were in the town of Hempstead three or more distinct families of Smith, and distinguished by as many different nick names. The "Rock Smiths," derived their name from the tradition that their ancestor used a large rock for the back of his fire place. The "Blue Smiths" were so called because their ancestor wore a coat of that color.]


Richard Valentine added this to Ancestry.com on 18 Dec 2009:

“Thomasine to Samuel Pine 2 Sep 1689

“Whearas I Thamason Elison widdow of hempsted on Long island in quens County having a sartain estat Left by my husband Richard Elison desesed for my maintainnane deuring my natural life after w'c by my husbands will ye sd estate is to be devided a mongst our three youngest Children Richard Thomas and Rachel by reason I find my self un Capabul to manage ye sd estate for my own comforte and ye best advantage thear of I do theare fore see Canse and have set out and dissposed unto my son in Law Samuel pine a sartaine Lott of medow lying on the south side on a neck Coled washborns neck bounded on ye west by ye meddows of Timothy holsted ye sd Lott of meddow more or les as shall be found as allso two cows all which to be and remain to ye sd samnel pine to him his hairs or asigns he or thay rendering and paying to mee ye sd widdow ellison or my order yearly & every year deuering my naturall Life ten shillings curant monye of this provinc to be paid each year after ye datt hear of att or upone ye twenty fiefth day of desember yearly as afore sd and in confirmation of every of ye above said premises I have heare unto setto my hand and fixed my seal this second day of September : 1689

Signed sealed and delivered


in presants of us Thamzen X Elison (S)


Joseph Smith

Joseph Pettet

“This above is a treu Copi Compared and entered the

fifth day of Augnst 1714 by me

“Tho Gildersleeve Clarck”