WILLIAM CALHOUN – According to Picture A, William Calhoun was born in 1773 and died on Feb. 14, 1811. Confirmation of his birth date has not been found but estate papers from Belmont County, Ohio verify his death date.  According to Picture A, his parents are William Calhoun and Susanna Williams.  His mother’s parents are listed as William Williams and Elizabeth Williams.  There is a date on the graph near William Williams of 1712. Some of the descendents of John Calhoun, 1799 are quite certain that he is a descendent of James Patrick Calhoun, who was one of the immigrant ancestors from Ireland. At this date, this connection doesn’t seem likely but he may be a relative and we are hopeful of finding a William Calhoun married to a Susanna Williams around 1770 whose births were likely around 1740.


It is known for certain that William Calhoun was married to Mary Poole (or Pool) who was born in February 28, 1775 and died 6 March 1844 at age 68. The birth date given on Picture A is close to ages on census information and age at death. In addition to this information from daughter Elizabeth Calhoun, the "Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy" regarding the marriage of son John Calhoun (spelled CALHOON) to his first wife, Elizabeth Middleton on 24 October 1824, John is noted as being the son of William and Mary of Belmont (Belmont County, Ohio). As will be shown, the widow remarried to Jesse Pool and was likely born Mary Williams.


William and Mary Calhoun were married in Virginia in 1798 according to picture A. The four older children list their birthplace as Virginia in the 1850 census.  It is therefore likely that the family moved to Ohio in 1806.


William Calhoun died in 1811.  Per the Index Probate Records, Belmont County, Ohio 1802-1990 Volume I A-K: There is a William "Calhoon" - Estate record 1811, file number 00076

The Estate papers are 6 pages of handwritten material which is roughly translated below.

Page 1 – Mary Calhoon administratrix of Wm Calhoon ded Settlement Papers – Allowed by the Court – Recorded –Page 2 – Mary Calhoon, administratrix of all singular the goods and chattels of William Calhoon Deceased begs leave to print her account of administration to the Honorable Court for Settlement.On the Income side of the ledger – To the amount of the appraisement bill of said estate $390.00.On the expense side of the ledger –Exp to Mary Choon Administratrix of William Calhoon Dec $6.00,Mary Cahoon administratix of William Calhoon dec. By one third of the amt of the appraisement bill taking by her allowed by Law $130.00.  (A women could not own land, however, they had a dower right to 1/3 interest in any land acquired during the marriage.  That is why a wife must sign when the land is sold, but she couldn’t own it herself.),   By cash paid John Carter as per recpt No 1 $14.20, 2 By cash paid Josiah Hedges as per recpt No 2  $3.00  By my fees and Expenses for administering $20.00  Totaled $167.20  The above is with due respect submitted to the court by the administratix , widow select of the Decd who prays that the Balance of the Estate $232, may be appropriated towards Supporting & raising six small children of the Decd.  Signed Mary Calhoon Admx.Page 3 – Know all men by these presents  - We Mary Cahoon & Wm Danford  & Wm Williams- all of the County of Belmont and State of Ohio, are held and firmly bound unto Jeremiah Fairhurst, Treasurer of the County aforesaid, to his survivors in office, in the final sum of four Hundred Dollars, to the payment of which we bind ourselves, our kind executors & administrators, & each of them jointly severally & firmly by these _____sealed with our seals and dated this day of April 1811 .The condition of the above obligations is just, that whereas the above bounded Mary Cahoon hath been appointed adminstratrix, the goods & Chattels of Wm Cahoon, deceased  ___of the said Mary Cahoon Adminstratrix as aforesaid, do will and faithfully perform the duties, required of her as adminstratrix of the Decd aforesaid, according to Law and if it shall hereafter appear that any last will and Testament was made by the said Wm Cahoon, Deceased, and the Executor or Executors therein names shall move the same according to Law, and request Letters, testamentary, thereon, then of the said Mary Cahoon- Shall upon being notified by the Court & required to deliver up Letters of administration, then the said obligation to the paid otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue in Law – witnesses Mary Cahoon X mark Seal William Williams Seal William Danford SealPage 4-6 is the receipts No. 1 and No 2 are the bills and receipts from the two creditors, John Carter and Josiah Hedges. 

From these estate papers we can assume that William Calhoun (spelling varied from Calhoon to Cahoon) died without will or testament.  He was only 38 years of age and perhaps was not in poor health prior to death.  Although Mary Calhoun was appointed to administer the estate, it appears that she could not write as her name is written above her mark.  One of the witnesses was named William Williams.  It is unknown whether this was her father, brother or other relative.  From the list of the children on page 1, you can see the six small children, ages 12 to 2 years old.


 PatWilkowskiadded this on 15 Mar 2011