Married Margaret Houston. Educated at Clasgow University—Appointed one of the Commissioners for the suppression of non-conformity—Obtained from King James VII., in 1685, a Charter of the Baronies of Luss and Colquhoun—Obtained Charter of Mains of Balvie-Logan and others—Infefted in Craigrostan, etc. —Sold the lands of Balvie in 1688—A warm supporter of the Revolution Government—Lieu- tenant-Colonel of the Militia of Argyll, Dumbarton, and Bute—Commissioner for uplifting the sum imposed upon the shires and burghs by the Act of Convention of Estates—Disponed the lands of Craigintuy, Portincaple, and Forlingbrek—Purchased the lands of Letraultmor and part of Strone — —Sold to John Colquhoun of Garshake, the lands of Chapleton and Chaplecroft, Middleton and the Overtouns—Disponed also the lands of Glenmuli- chane and Inverbeg—Sold part of his lands of Milnetoun of Colquhoun and Carcastoun, reserving the fishings of Lochlomond and coble fishings in the Clyde—Obtained four annual fairs and a weekly market for Luss, with the tolls, customs, and duties thereof—Lands of Silverbanksand Dunner- buck feued to John Colquhoun— Purchased from John Colquhoun of Camstradden the lands of Camstradden, Auldachlay Hill and the Slate Crag, excepting Auchingaven—Sat in Parliament in 1703—Joined in the protest against the Act for allowing the importation of wines and foreign liquors— A Commissioner of Supply in 1704—Settled the Barony of Luss, failing his own sons to be born, on his only daughter Anne and her husband, James Grant of Pluscardine, and their heirs-male—Resignation and regrant of the Colquhoun Baronetcy of Nova Scotia in 1704—Title and Estates descended, on the death of Sir Humphrey in 1718, to James Grant, who was designated Sir James Colquhoun of Luss, Baronet—Terms of a Bond of Taillie granted by Sir Humphrey in 1706—Provision therein that the Estate of Luss should never be held by the Laird of Grant—Took an active part in opposing the " Treaty of Union"—The " Lochlomond Expedition "—Sir Humphrey died in 1718 — Buried in the Chapel at Rossdhu, 302-327