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1151 Henry was an M.D. (Medical Doctor) DAVIS, Henry (I1696)
1152 Henry was crowned when he was just nine in 1216, but he did not actually rule until he came of age in 1227. He brought many foreign nobles to his court which infuriated his barons. They forced him to give them rule. Henry later tried fighting back but was captured in the Battle of Lewes in 1264. His son Edward won back the rule by killing England's temporary leader, Simon de Montfort. Edward then ruled during the rest of his father's lifetime. There is some discrepancy in Henry's birth. It is listed as 1206 on page 585 of Harry's book and 1207 on p. 567. (C-437, p. 585) I am concurring with 1207 as it is listed that way in World Book Encyclopedia. He was murdered the same year, but several months after his brother Richard I.

His will is as follows: "I, Henry, by the grace of God King of England and Lord of Ireland, Duke of Normandy, Acquitaine, and Earl of Anjou, on the Tuesday next after the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul, in the year of grace 1253, at Suthwyk, proposing to go into Gascony, make my will in form following. I will that my body be buried at the Church of the Blessed Edward at Westminster, there being no impediment, having formerly appointed my body to be buried in the New Temple of London. I commit the guardianship of Edward my eldest son and heir, and of my other children, and of my Kingdom of England, and of all my other lands of Wales and Ireland, and Gascony, to my illustrious Queen Eleanor, until they arrive at full age. Also, I bequeath the cross which the Countess of Kent gave me, to the small altar of the aforesaid Church of Edward of Westminster, and I appoint my aforesaid Queen; Boniface Archbishop of Canterbury; Aymer, elect of Winchester; and Richard Earl of Cornwall, my brothers; Petri de Lebaudia, John Maunsell, "Praepositi Beverlye," Peter Chiceporm, Archdeacon of Wales, John Prior of Newburgh, my Chaplains; John de Gray, my Steward; and Henry de Wengham, my Secretary, my executors." 
1153 Henry was said to be the first white child born in that part of Hunterdon Co., NJ. He declared his intentions to marry on Aug. 13, 1752 in the Kingwood MM. He was from Buckingham, PA at the time. (C-1,46b,740) Even though his wife's name is not included in this record, Park states it was Deborah Newbold. Proof that her name was Deborah was on July 4, 1769 when Henry Coate, Blacksmith, purchased 4 acres paying 76 pounds he and his wife Deborah sold to Isaac Horner in 1772. (Park, App. P) He was the only child named in his father's will, although other siblings were alluded to. (C-1078) It is thought that he is the Henry Coate which who lived on his father John's land and wrote his will in 1787 in Hunterdon Co., NJ. (C-1, p. 62, p.174)

Henry's likely DNA is 2 points off at 37 points from Marmaduke Coate's DNA of Newberry, South Carolina (1738-1822). That means he has a 90% chance of being related to me within 12 generations. Though possible, this DNA distance suggests that Henry isn't Marmaduke's brother as sometimes stated in second hand sources but related a bit further back.

In his will, dated, Aug 26, 1787, he referred to daughters Betty Crooks and Lucy and three sons, Robert, John and Henry. His inventory was taken in 1787. These records need doublechecked in Book 29, pg. 280 for Hunterdon Co., NJ. There is a probate of an estate for Henry in 1806 whom we don't know which Henry it is for. His wife's name was unlisted in his 1752 marriage record. I believe this is the case because he married outside the Quaker church. I have found no Deborah Newbold or Deborah Coate in Quaker records, nor have I found his children in Quaker records leading me to question all but the above-named children in his will.
COATE, Henry (I4202)
1154 Henry was the second son of Sir Henry de Erdington and Maud, 4th daughter of Sir Roger de Somery. His lineage goes back through noble lines. When I find this Henry with a daughter Matilda, CD-100 and F-345 will support his ancestry. It does state that he married before June 1315 Joan, d. of Sir Thomas de Wolvey of Co. Warwick. According to Hal Buckley, this 1315 date is the date that they are listed as a married couple, but their marriage took place at least 1300 or earlier from the known births of their children. (F-441-442) Henry, b. 1274, held lands in Aston Parish, Erdington, co. Warwick, Shawbury, Salop Corfe Mullen, Dorset, Barrow-on-Soar co. Leicester and Olney, Bucks. He was the second son of Henry De Erdington and became his father's heir when his older brother died young, a minor in the King's ward. "The King took his homage", and he is noted in the records as having livery of his father's lands on July 21 1295. He then was given livery of this mother's lands on July 9, 1302 after the death of her 2nd husband, Sir William De Bifeld. He is listed as age 24 years and more in 1302 when his stepfather dies. He is listed as the heir and son of Henry and Maud De Erdington in this document. He was knighted by the Prince of Wales on May 22, 1306 at Westminster. He was given the title "Knight of the Shire for co. Leicester" in 1309. He was in the military service between May 1297 and July 28, 1317. He was a member of council in May 1324. He was in Parliament on Jan 22, 1335/6 where by writ he was bestowed the title of "Lord Erdington". DE ERDINGTON, Henry (I2757)
1155 Henry was to be provided for by his brother Samuel in their father, Thomas Coate's will dated Dec 16, 1792, Henry "being deprived of his right reason." (C-2151) COATES, Henry (I5886)
1156 Henry witnessed several marriages in County Armagh, Ireland starting at age 20 in 1678. He signed his name Henry Hollingsworth. His grandfather, Henry, signed his name as Hen: Hollensworth. Henry made a couple trips to the American colonies, one in 1683. He made this trip on the "Lyon" as an indentured servant to Robert Turner of Dublin for two years starting Oct. 8, 1685. He apparently traveled back and forth to Ireland as he is a witness to several marriages from Oct. 1685 through 1688. He is during this same time period in the Newark Kennett Monthly Meeting Records in what was then Pennsylvania. He was in them in the 9th mo., 1687 when he declared his intentions to return to Ireland to marry and when he was appointed to check on the order of the Whitely Creek Monthly Meeting. On the 12th mo, 4th day, 1687, Newark decided to grant him a certificate to Ireland to achieve just that. In 1688 he married Lydia Atkinson in Co. Armaugh, IRL. The same month in which he married, he probably assisted with the sale of his father's lands to Rev. Henry Jenney. In Pennsylvania, Henry was known for his surveying skills. He even helped layout the current city of Philadelphia. He also worked as a blacksmith and home builder according to his son Zebulon. Like his father, Valentine, he was a member of the Assembly under Penn's government, but for just one session in 1695. He became a large landowner in Chester Co., PA and New Castle Co., DEL. In 1697, he is likely the Henry Hollingsworth that was a witness in a deed in Chester Co., PA between John Simcock and Henry Swift. (C-2136) Again in 1709 he is listed as a witness in a deed record for Chester Co., PA according to Bryant's book of abstracts. Deed. On 16 Apr 1709 Isaac FEW, late of Chester, yeoman, to John FAWCETT, of Ridley, carpenter, for  HOLLINGSWORTH, Henry (I698)
1157 Henry's projected birth date was between 1005 and 1011. He gained the crown in 1031. He was buried in St. Denis, France. (C-1366, 1370) Henry I King Of France (I3159)
1158 Henry's second marriage is conjecture from the will believed to be this Henry's. There is a possibility that the will below belongs to his nephew, Harry, son of brother John, instead. I have checked all the marriage, will and burial records/indexes sent to me by Lauren Vargo, and have found no second mention of a Harry or second Henry Short. Therefore, our clearest belief is that the following will belongs to this Henry. If so, he only bequeathed items to the likely children of his second marriage. The sons of his first marriage would have been old enough to be off on their own and probably provided for already. Henry Sr.'s will is as follows: In the name of God Amen, the Sixteenth day of December Anno (Dui) 1675 I Henry Short sy ( ) of Walborton in the County of Sussex Vistua(l ) being Sick in body butt of perfect memory praised be to God do ordain & make this my last will & testament in manner & form following first I bequath my Soul to almighty God my Creator believing and hopeing to be (saved) by the (merrilly) & (mercy) of my Redeemer Christ Jesus And as for my (comporat?) Effects I Dispose of as followeth I will to my ( ) Son Adam Short Shall pay unto his Brother John Short five pounds, when he shall come to ye age of one twenty years out of that money (where owith) ( ) for Rent of my Copy ( ) which he as(uth) ... John I give likewise to Jane Short his Sister the like sum of Five pounds to be paid to her at the age above said ( ) I give to John Short & Joanne Short five pounds (apeice) to be paid to them out of my Goods w/I leave to my ( ) here after named after her decease Itm I give to my Son Adam Short two Shillings & (Six p.) One All ye rest of my goods and my Shalltlell; I give & bequeath to my loving wife Joane Short whom I make my whole Sole Exexutrix fo this my last will & testamt. In witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & Seal the Day & year above written /Henry Short/ Signed Sealed & delivered to be ( ) last Will and ..... (C-1589) SHORT, Henry (Henrie) Sr. (I5453)
1159 Henry's title was Earl of Northum. (C-992) PERCY, Henry (I4100)
1160 Her age is calculated from the 1850 Green Co., Indiana census records according to John H. Coats. EVANS, Sarah (I4148)
1161 Her age is given at 63 at her death. She is listed as married at the time. Ann (I13767)
1162 Her age range is based on the fact that she was between the ages of 20 and 30 in the 1830 census and was therefore the daughter who was age 10 to 16 in her father's household in 1820. GASKINS, Jane (I8025)
1163 Her birth date is 9m 3d 1766 in Hinshaw's Encyclopedia. COATE, Esther (I249)
1164 Her birth date is an estimate. The 1830 census gives her age as between 20 and 30. In 1856, she is listed at age 47. In the 1860 census, she is listed at age 55. In the 1870 census, she is listed at age 61. SOULE, Harriet (I6848)
1165 Her birth date is before 1775 from census records, but since Dan Buckley ascertained her husband's name and marriage date of 1779, we can be fairly certain that she was born before 1765 and likely before 1760. COATE, Mary (I1982)
1166 Her birth date is estimated as 1104 in Piper's book on royal families. (C-330) D'LOUVAIN, Queen Adeliza (I2472)
1167 Her birth date is probably estimated too early. Her name is a first name. THEUDELINDE (I3589)
1168 Her birth date might also be Oct. 6, 1665. (C-527) Elizabeth came with her brother, William Jr. and possibly her parents in the summer of 1684 to avoid Quaker persecution. (C-636) She was living on Nov. 8 1727 when she deeded 177 acres that had belonged to her deceased husband to their son, William. (C-2139) BRINTON, Elizabeth (I2102)
1169 Her birth estimate is probably too early. UNKNOWN, Regentrude (I3581)
1170 Her birthdate is estimated by the supposition that she was at least 14 years of age when she had her daughter, Anna. She could easily be the daughter of Mihaly Vukszta and Maria Ripassy who were born in 1836 and 1840 respectively according to the 1869 Nevike census. She did not live in that household in 1869 indicating she was probably already married. If these are her parents she lived in house 96 in Nevike at one point in her life. VUXTA, Maria (I12893)
1171 Her brother was baptised in Drayton and she in Curry Rivel. COATE, Mary (I13555)
1172 Her burial date could be Oct. 13, 1685 instead as the orginal was very hard to read according to Gary Hawley's email. (C-2608) DEANE, Margaret (I4353)
1173 Her christening occurred in the 1580's. The last digit was possibly a 3, 5 or 8. No parentage is given. Because of timing, place and spelling of her last name, I believe she is the daughter of John Cotte. COTTE, Katherine (I13874)
1174 Her death date could be the death date usually attributed to her daughter Esther as 5/6/1736. She was definitely living in 1731. She and her husband could easily be the E.W. and S.W. on the stones in the oldest cemetery in Quakertown, NJ. That is the only information on the stones, but the initials on stones next to each other would statistically apply to them. Photos of them have been provided by Patti Sue McCrary.

I now have an autosomnal DNA cousin match whom also descends from this line through our mutual ancestor Robert Overton married to Anne Gardiner helping to prove the Coate descent through this line by the name of Bonnie Scudder via 23andMe. 
OVERTON, Hester (Esther) (I1238)
1175 Her death date is Oct. 16, 1892 instead according to Karen Sprunger at COATS, Hepsibah (Hepsy) (I6443)
1176 Her death date might be for her daughter Joane instead. She is listed on a page of the Southern Divison Quarterly Meeting for Somerset along with many Coate relatives because the page she is listed on recorded the deaths for the Kingsbury Monthly Meeting records. This record is available at Joane (I13854)
1177 Her descendants suggested she was born in Virginia. CALHOUN, Ann (I9839)
1178 Her father died without sons, son in 1397 she was made Duchess of Norfolk. PLANTAGENET, Margaret (I3789)
1179 Her father lived in the section next to she and her husband in Raccoon Twp. They were in section 34 and Jacob Danner lived in section 33, west of their farm, about 5 farms over. DANNER, Mary Ann (I88)
1180 Her father was born in Ohio and her mother in Switzerland. BAUMGARTNER, Barbara (I12007)
1181 Her father was Payne Roet. She is well known by her first married name as Katherine Swynford. She was probably born in Picardy, France. She was the governess to Duke John of Gaunt's daughter by his first wife. Around the time Katherine's first husband died, she became the mistress of John of Gaunt and had 4 children by him. When John's second wife died, he married Katherine and had all of their children pronounced legitimate. She became Duchess of Lancaster in 1396 or 1397 with the later being the more favored date. There is a current novel out about her that is very popular by Anya Seton called "Katherine". ROET, Katherine (I3469)
1182 Her first name and middle initial were difficult to read on the 1850 census. The middle initial could have been an S or an E. In the 1860 census it is clearly an E. She was age 14 in this latter census. She is living with her mother and her second husband, David Phillips. In the 1880 Wayne Co., OH census it says that she or her family can't read or write. MORGAN, Barbary Ellen (I173)
1183 Her funeral was held at her relative, Henry Lincoln Forte's home at Chelten and Stenton Avenues in Germantown, Pennsylvania LEAHY, Marie Isabel (I4161)
1184 Her funeral was held at the Frings and Bayliff Funeral Home in Tipp City, Ohio, pastor DeAnn Donaugh officiating. WILSON, Hannah Jane (I8353)
1185 Her husband's name has also been listed as William Meeks, Sr. Sarah Meeker was named in the will of John Hunter in 1748, as was her sister Mary and widowed step-mother, Mary. My best guess is that he was a suitor or family friend of widow Mary (Preston?) who had recently lost her husband. He had taken the oath of allegiance with Mary Mallory's husband in 1644 in New Haven, CT. (C-840) PRESTON, Sarah (I1140)
1186 Her last name is uncertain as well as her father's name. Orrell's lived near the Coppocks in Pownall Fee. There was a Mary Orrell as verified in Robert Orrel's will in 1660 in co. Kent, England who was Robert's likely niece. She died enroute to America or shortly thereafter. (C-1430, 2247) Moses Orrell and Martha Scarbarough are often listed as her parents but this has supposedly been disproven. ORRELL, Mary (I1250)
1187 Her last name of Preston is not certain. She is not listed in Jacobus or Savage. (F-436a,b,c) PRESTON, Hannah (I1814)
1188 Her maiden name might be Cornwell as a John Cornwell gave her and her husband land in his 1674 will. Margaret (I14755)
1189 Her marriage (missing the date) and her parents are listed in the Byzantine church records for Neviczke, Hungary (now the Ukraine). Her birthdate was previously given to me as 1860, but the 1869 census gives her birthdate at 1864. VOVCSIK, Anna (I11407)
1190 Her marriage record in Chalkley is as follows. *1794--June 17, Francis Brown and James Young, surety. Francis Brown and Mary Young, daughter of James Young. YOUNG, Mary (I1716)
1191 Her marriage to Robert Evans might be confused with the Sarah Coppock (b. 1801) who was the daughter of Joseph Coppock and Esther Patterson who also supposedly married a Robert Evans in the same time period. COPPOCK, Sarah Jane (I1070)
1192 Her name appears as Arabell Harracarte in the original Digby Family Lineage now in Castle Dublin. It is listed as Orabella or Arabella Harcourt in other second hand sources listed. By her first marriage, she was an heiress to Tong, Co. Salop and Aylestone, Co. Leicester. Her birth, and marriage dates have been calculated using death dates found for her spouses. Although I have seen it stated that Sir Henry Falk was her first husband, it only makes sense that he was her second because he died after her other husband, Sir John Digby. (C-1368, 1381, 2162, 2267) DE HARCOURT, Arabell (I3103)
1193 Her name could be Alice de Porhoet instead. DE BAILLEOL, Amabilia (I2196)
1194 Her name easily could have been Elizabeth as their first daughter was named that. She wrote a will in 1669 in North Petherton that was destroyed in the bombings in World War II that would have proved this one way or the other. Elizabeth (I12871)
1195 Her name has been misinterpreted in some census records to be Parthany. PENNY, Elizabeth Bethany (I11146)
1196 Her name has not been located. She could be any of the following Rees's that married in Gallia County, Ohio in the correct time period.1) Catherine Rees m. David Jenkins on Mar 8, 1862.2) Annie Rees m. James Sherrit on Nov 6, 1866.3) Louisa A. Rees m. Charles H. Jourdan on Dec. 1, 1864.4) Phebe Reese m. Martin V.B. Wooton on Jan 16, 1867. If she is one of these, she is likely one of the earlier ones and not the later ones. REESE, Unknown (I9498)
1197 Her name is also listed as Agnes Dues. ORRES, Agnes (I4601)
1198 Her name is also listed as Alpaide in some sources. Her death is listed in Vosges which is a mountain range in France according to "Webster's Geographical Dictionary." Her surname is her first name in some sources. She was the concubine of Pepin. (C-1346, 1440) AUSTRASIA, Alpais (I2541)
1199 Her name is also spelled Alfritha and Elstrita. (C-336, p. I, 1387) Elfrida (I2327)
1200 Her name is also spelled Arabella in some sources. DE QUINCY, Orabella (I3108)

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