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1701 He was the 3rd Lord Dudley who lost much of the family wealth. According to researcher, Leo van de Pas, John Sutton "was a half-wit, nicknamed 'Lord Quondam', who sold much of the family landholdings. His wife, Cicely Grey, so disliked ht she requested to be buried in her own family plot under her maiden name!" SUTTON, John (I13498)
1702 He was the 3rd or 4th Earl of Ulster from 1312-1333. (C-333b) When William was murdered by his followers, civil strife ensued by leaders trying to gain William's lands. His wife and daughter, Elizbeth, removed to Enlgand to gain the pron of King Edward III. Elizabeth ended up marrying one of his younger sons, Lionel of Antwerp. DE BURGH, William Earl Of Ulster (I12878)
1703 He was the 5th President of the United States. MONROE, James (I1380)
1704 He was the 7th Lord Ferrers of Groby. GREY, John Lord Ferrers 7Th (I6026)
1705 He was the 8th Earl of Hertford and Gloucester. (C-333b, 1211) DE CLARE, Richard * Earl Of Gloucester And Hertford (I13024)
1706 He was the 9th Earl of Clare, Hertford and Gloucester. He was known as Knight the Red and also "The Red Earl" and was knighted on May 12, 1264. (C-388b, 1211) DE CLARE, Gilbert * Earl Of Gloucester And Hertford (I12945)
1707 He was the acting Governor under Copely in 1692. GREENBURY, Nicholas (I5739)
1708 He was the Bishop of Durham/Sarum. NEVILLE, Bishop Robert (I647)
1709 He was the Bishop of St. David's. FITZ GERALD, David (I621)
1710 He was the bondsman for his daughter's marriage in 1801. MCCAUSLAND, John (I16919)
1711 He was the bondsman for his likely son Nai Calhoun who married in 1856 in Guilford, NC.

He could be the son of Samuel Calhoun instead. 
CALHOUN, Jonathan 1820 census - under 10 (I17349)
1712 HE was the brother of St. Leger, Bishop of Autun who died in 677. (C-1440) WARINUS, Count (I14270)
1713 He was the brother of the clan chief. LAMONT, John (I16806)
1714 He was the Colonial Governor of Maryland. CALVERT, Charles 3rd Baron Baltimore (I1916)
1715 He was the Duke of Alsace from 720-750. (c-1440) DUKE OF ALSACE, Luftride I (I16626)
1716 He was the Duke of Exeter. (C-784) BEAUFORT, Thomas Duke Of Exeter (I438)
1717 He was the Earl Marshall of England, twelfth Baron of Mowbray, fourth Earl of Arundel, second Earl of Nottingham and first Duke of Norfolk by his mother's side. He was accused of treason due to a quarrel with Henry of Bolingborke. Kingd II banished him from England in 1398. He died during his exile in Venice about a year later. (C-862) MOWBRAY, Thomas Duke Of Norfolk (I13668)
1718 He was the Earl of Arundel. FITZ ALAN I, Richard I (I12542)
1719 He was the Earl of Northumberland. (C-782) NEVILLE, Earl John (I7719)
1720 He was the Earl of Ulster and Duke of Clarence. (C-437, p. 585) His will is as follows: "Lionel Duke of Clarence, in the house of the Duke of Milan, in the City of Alba, the 3d of October 1368. My body to be buried in the Church of the Frugustines at Clare, in the County of Suffolk; to Violenta, my wife, my vestment with gold coronets; to John de Bromwich, Knt. my courser called Gerfacon; to Richard Musard, Knt. a girdle of gold and a courser called Maugeneleyn; to Bartholomew Pygot; to John de Capell, my chaplain, a girdle of gold, to make a chalice in memory of my soul; and to the said John my best portiforium, with musical notes; to Master Nicholas de Haddeley a small portiforium, without notes; to John Wayte, my chaplain, a portiforium, with notes; to Thomas Waleys a circle of gold, with which my brother and Lord was created Prince; to Edmund Mone the circle with which I was created Duke; to Nicholas Bekennesfeld x marks a year out of the manor of Bremsfeld; to Robert Bardolf. And I appoint Violenta, my wife; Bartholomew Pigot, and John de Capell, my chaplain; and Sir John de Bromwich, Knight, my executors. In the presence of Nicholas de Bekennesfeld, Robert Bradway, John Bray, and others. Proved before William Archbishop of Canterbury 6 Ides of June 1369, at Lambeth." OF ANTWERP, Lionel Duke Of Clarence (I12895)
1721 He was the Earl of Warwick. NEVILLE, Richard (I448)
1722 He was the eldest son and heir. MALLORY, Thomas Esquire (I14136)
1723 He was the executor for his Uncle Samuel Howard's will. It appears that he wrote a will in 1742 that is in Vol. 23, p. 7. HAMMOND, John Jr. (I5707)
1724 He was the executor of his father's will that was written in Nov. 1658. His father bequeths legacies to his 5 children. He could be the William Coate who was buried in Curry Rivel, England on 19 SEP 1676 or July of 1678. All of his listving children were under the age of 21 in his father's will. They could be born anywhere from the late 1630's to 1657.

He is somehow related to the Philip Cote/Coate who made his will in 1727 in Isle of Abbots and bequeathed his kinsman, Samuel Prigge legacies. Samuel Prigge is a grandson of this William and Elizabeth Coate through their daughter Mary. It's interesting but their literally is a descendant of this couple named William and Elizabeth that also had a daughter Elizabeth that was christened 50 years to the day from their daughter Elizabeth in the baptismal records. This is not a typo. I have verified and seen both original records. It is theory on my part that the William and Elizabeth whom are the parents of this Elizabeth are also the progenitors of Walter and another unknown male of Coates lines in North Petherton by timing. This is supported by the fact that Walter and his unknown brother names their first sons William. 
COATE, William (I6948)
1725 He was the famed explorer of Lewis and Clark and the youngest son of his parents. He achieved the rank of General in the military and the rank of Governor in the government. CLARK, William Governor and Famous Explorer (I2764)
1726 He was the father of all daughters. CLARK, George Washington (I2777)
1727 He was the feudal Baron le Zouche of Ashby. (C-1441) LE ZOUCHE, Roger Feudal Baron of Ashby (I16557)
1728 He was the first Baron Ros of Helmsley. (C-1351) DE ROSS, Robert (I14134)
1729 He was the first of 4 illegimate children of John of Gaunt according to Wikipedia. "The Beaufort children were declared legitimate twice by parliament during the reign of King Richard II of England, in 1390 and 1397,[1] as well as by Pope Boniface IX in September 1396.[2]" (PLANTAGENET) OF GAUNT, John (I1560)
1730 He was the first unknown son of Sir John and Isabell according to Wikipedia. Since his younger brother, Martin, inherited the lands of his grandfather which did include lands in Somerset, England, it is theory that he is the progenitor of the Fortesques in Somerset, England instead from his father. FORTESQUE (I19983)
1731 He was the first white settler about 1735 in the Peak area of what later became Bedford Co., Virginia in 1753. When his son Thomas was born it was known as Brunswick County. Lunenburg County was formed in 1746 from Bruswick County an became Bedford Co. Virginia in 1753. WOOD, Thomas * (I9882)
1732 He was the governor of Dunbarton Castle during the reign of King James II of Scotland according to Colonial Families. COLQUHOUN, Govenor John of Dunbarton Castle: IVth of Camstradden E-FT32806 (I18527)
1733 He was the High Sheriff of Co. Carn., 1600. (C-437, app.) GWYN, Hugh (I12908)
1734 He was the immigrant ancestor in this line. He is the John Ponder who was transported to the American colonies on May 24, 1674 from England to Annapolis, Maryland. He arrived on the ship "Charles of London". Capt. Benoni Eaton claimed het land for John Ponders's transportation. John purchased his first 100 acres of land in June of 1682 from Hugh Paxton. John Ponder purchased 200 acres more on Mar 6, 1689 which he named Ponderfield. It was surveyed for him of 4/25/1688 as lying on the east side of Unicorn Branch on Chester River in Maryland. John Offley was the surveyor for his brother Edward. He was on a jury in 1797 in Kent Co., Maryland. He was on the Orphan Jury in 1702 in Kent Co., Maryland. He is also in the following record that would have occurred in Kent Co., Maryland between 1701 and 1702. It involves his sons, John Jr. and Richard also. Four men had to pay a surety amount that was large for the time to assure that they would return for the next court date in which their case was being tried. It does not tell what the case was about. Peter Mersey and Thomas Mounsier in their prper prsons Phillip Duff by John Ponder his Surety, Are bound to Appear As Evidences here next Court In the Sume of ten pds Sterg ~ John Ponder Junr. and Richard Ponder are bound in twenty pounds Sterg. And John Ponder Senr. & Tho: Ford are bound in ten pounds Sterg Each to be levy'd as is abovesd. in Case the Sd. Jno. Ponder Junr. and Richd Ponder do not Make their Appearance at the next Court He died shortly thereafter in Kent Co., Maryland.

His will (on Ancestry) named his wife, Mary, sons John, James, William and Richard and daughter, Margaret (later called Mary) who was given into the care of her mother as she was underage. He also mentioned "Shepherd's Fortune" and "Shepherd's Fields" which had been acquired from Francis Shepherd. The will was written in 1702 and entered into probate on 2 Feb 1702. It was proved on July 20, 1703. Kent Co. was mentioned at the bottom of the will. His wife Mary in the will would have referred to his 2nd wife named Mary who Candee Varville has proved was Mary Bright.

Candee Varvill found good evidence by way of wills that Mary was a Bright by birth. John Ponder, her husband, had a court case and deed with Charles Bright, a likely relative (brother or cousin) of his wife's. Mary Bright might have been a wife of John who only had one child, Mary b. 1697 by him. The following was posted 15 Apr 2010 by jkedroff1 in Public Member Stories on Ancestry. John Ponder and Elizabeth Dunnlatte were both on the "Charles of London". In 1677 John was accused and found guilty of fathering a child by Elizabeth.

After his death, his wife had to pay for his debts as seen in the following court record: It is likewise Considered b? ye Sd Court ye Same Da? and year yt ye Jno ffisher recover at ye Said William fford as well ye Sume of ffift? pounds of tobo ye Damages ascessed b? ye Jur? as afsd as ye Sume of five hundred pounds fift? and four pounds of tobo for his Cost and Charges Laid out and Expended according to ye form of ye Statute &ca GLumle? Clk | Also under The Exrs. of Edward | ffre? ~ ~ ~ | Com? nd was Given to ye Sherf of Kent Count? ye 29th Da? of 7ber Anno agt | D? i 1704 to take Mar? Ponder admrx of John Ponder Senr. if to be Mar? Ponder Admx | found in his bailewick and her Safe keep Soe yt he ma? have her ~ of John Ponder Senr | bod? before ye Justices of Kent Court, att next Court to be held for Sd Count? to answer unto Geo: Lumle? &ca Exr. of Edward ffrey Deceased in a plea of trespass upon ye Case for ye Sume of one pound fourteen Shillings Sterg mone? , and hereof he was not to faile &ca. And now here this Da? to witt this 28th Da? of 9ber anno D? i 1704 being ye Da? of ye retn of ye writt afsd ye Sherf makes retn hereof Endorsed Cepi Corps pr me John Hawkins Sherff '97 '97 Whereupon ye Sd Deft appears in her afsd Capacitie and Sa? eth yt She cannot Gainesa? ye pltf in his acc? n afsd Soe as afsd brought, nor but yt ye Sd John Ponder Decd Indebted to ye Sd Edward in ye Sume afsd, and She ye Sd admx in Sd Capacitie is willing yt Judgmt. be Intered agt her for ye Same '97 It is therefore Considered here b? ye Court this 28th Da? of 9ber anno D? i 1704 yt ye Sd Geo: Lumle? &ca in their Capacitie afsd recover agt ye Sd Admx in Sd Capacitie as well ye Sume of one pound fourteen Shillings Sterg mon? ye Debt afsd as ye Sume two hundred and five pounds of tobo Cost of Suit '97 '97 '97 Michael Earle | Dt 540ls tobo | H? lands admrs. | Dt| Thos Joce | | Jkedroff1 on Ancestry surmises that John was married twice and had children with 3 women.

Because my 102 year old mother who was born in 1916 has from 3.2 to 6.7 cM's of common DNA with 4 cousins descending from Mary's grandfather, Thomas Edward Norris, I theorize that Margaret was either a misinterpretation of the original 1680's document or it is a common nickname for Mary at the time. I believe that our John descended from wife, Mary/Margaret Woodroofe as supported by DNA.

As for his children's ages, a lot can be surmised from his will probated Feb. 2, 1702. He supposedly wrote it years before his death perhaps before a trip. His daughter, Mary, apparently had not been born when he wrote his will. He apparently lived on a tract of land in Sussex Co., Delaware and owned a plantation in Queen Ann's County, Maryland. He bequeathed to his son John the tract of land where he lived. He bequeathed to his son James and William 300 acres of land each called Cloud's Adventure. He bequeathed to his son Richard half the land where John Sr. was living (in Sussex, DE) and half the plantation (in Queen Anne's?). To his wife Mary, he bequeathed the other half of the tract in Sussex, Delaware and half of the plantation in Queen Anne's. (I assumed the locations) To his daughter Margaret, he gave a negro named Weyman when he came of age. He bequeathed to his wife one man servant called William Goodbury and a servant called Catherine Green. He bequeathed a yearling horse to his son, James. His son James was to be cared for by son Richard till he came of age. His son William was to be under the care of his wife till he too came of age.

He might be the John Ponder who was the son of Thomas Ponder and Ann christened Mar 30, 1656, Undershaft, London, England. So far I have found 1 descendant of this Thomas Ponder and their DNA does not match my mothers. As for the wife that he had most of his children by, this is one theory. In 1680 John Ponder gives up his headrights. Amongst the group of those so doing is Margaret Ponder, listed as the wife of John Ponder. Margaret and Mary are interchangeable nicknames at the time. We have not been able to find this deed. In a deposition given by Daniel "Norris" in 1706, concerning Thomas Woodrooffe who died without heirs, Daniel Norris states that Ann Norris was his sister and that she married William Woodrooffe (brother of Thomas) in Cowley, England and after his death she married Francis Shepperd. He further stated he knew the Woodrooffe family in London before they came to America. Ann and William had six children. One of them was named Mary. It is Ann's daughter Mary who was possibly also the wife of John Ponder. This would explain why Francis (Shepherd) left "John Ponder the land on which he now lives". Also, Mary, the daughter of Francis and Ann was still under age and unmarried in 1692 at the time of his will. Francis also stated he wanted his children to remain in their home. Since they were all under age this would probably not have been possible if a relative was not near.(This of course makes it unlikely that Daniel, Ann, Alice and Robert Norris were the children of Thomas Norris as is so often quoted. For how can it be explained that they were living in England?) jkedroff1 
PONDER, John (I10211)
1735 He was the King of Lombardy. KING OF ITALY, Bernard (I13164)
1736 He was the King of Sussex in 692 and still living in 694. Schmuhl spells his name as Coeared. (C-685, F-515) His descendants line to Eahlmund is questionable and is often thrown out. CENRED (I16374)
1737 He was the King of Wessex and all of England from 802-839. (C-865) Egbert Egbert King Of England (I12907)
1738 He was the leader for the Colquhouns in the Battle of Glenn Fruin, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. The Colquhouns lost the battle to the MacGregors. His age is not known by me.
COLQUHOUN, Sir Alexander of Luss (I18768)
1739 He was the Lord of Bramcote, Warwickshire, England. (F-511) MALLORY, Sir Thomas (I14307)
1740 He was the Lord of Groby. (F-520) FERRERS, William (I14363)
1741 He was the Lord of Haryngton. (C-781) BONVILLE, William IV * Baron Harrington And Bonville (I13546)
1742 He was the Lord of Kirby and living in 1199. (F-511) MALLORY, Henry (I14289)
1743 He was the Lord of Studley Royal and Hutton Conyers. (F-511) MALLORY, Sir William (I14122)
1744 He was the Marmaduke Coate, "oldest son of my cousin William Coate" in John Coate's 1686 will proved at Taunton in 1692. If he lived till 1692, he would have received lands in Middlemore from this cousin. We do not have that verified. If the land is traced it should have either gone to this Marmaduke or likely oldest living son.

From looking at the baptismal records for Curry Rivel, Somerset England, I believe this Marmaduke was married 3 times. The timing fits without any overlaps. His first wife is to an Ann Lock in 1651. They had at least one child in the records. By 1655 he married Joan Woodborne and had children. He then would account for the Marmaduke who married an Elizabeth before 1671 and had more children until 1688. There are no overlaps in marriages or children's births.

This also finally makes sense of daughter, Elizabeth Coate's will who was born in 1671 and died in 1713 naming two brothers, sons of Marmaduke named John. Marmaduke would have had a son John by two of his wives that made it to adulthood. However, only sons John, Marmaduke, and possibly William had children.

This Marmaduke was called Duke Coate when his son Marmaduke was baptized by the way. The bigger question has been who is Marmaduke's father? This seems rather clear to me now that I have figured out which Elizabeth Coate the 1713 will belongs too. The transcription of her will is as follows in Park's book: "Elizabeth Coate of Curry Rivel. 1713, Will of Elizabeth Coate of Curry Rivel in the County of Somerset, Spinster. To her brother John Coate 20 pounds, her best mare and her brewing vat, which was her father's also three pewter platters which were her brother John's (half brother) and two of them which were her brother William's. Also she gave to him another pewter platter which was marked "M.C." (Marmaduke Coate, her father). In all "four platters and pair of canvas gloves"; her bacon rack; her brake and her bran houses. To her kinswoman Elizabeth Andrews, daughter of George Andrews and Mary his wife, the sum of twenty pounds. All the rest of her goods, chattels, etc. she bequeathed to Mary Andrews her sister, wife of George Andrews whom she thereby appointed sole Executrix of this her last will subject to the payment of her debts. Witnessed by Thomas Crofts, Thomas Sattell and John Mariot."

What helps immensely with her will, is that the pewter platters and brewing vat were originally passed down from her grandfather, William Coate who made his will in 1658 and bequeathed these items to his son Marmaduke (her father). Her brother Marmaduke, was also named in the will again verifying that this line is now sorted correctly. I have not found brewing tools listed in any other direct lineage but this one.

He likely is one of the three following Marmadukes who died and was buried in Curry Rivel, Somerset, England on 30 July 1700 or Mar. 8, 1705 or April 20, 1705.

I've estimated his birthdate as before 1631 when his wife Joane was born. We know that Joan had to be born before 1631 because she was included in her Grandmother, Marie Coate's will dated 1631. I am guessing that she and her husband are cousins as all Coates in Curry Rival appear to have descended through Marmaduke Coate's parents. Marmaduke (d.1624) was married to Marie Sumner (d. 1631).

This Marmaduke is the only Marmaduke in early Coate records of Curry Rivel whom was the correct age and place to have married Alice/Ann Lock in 1651. They married in Pitney which is 5 miles from Curry Rivel and are both listed of Curry "Revel" in their marriage record. 
COATE, Marmaduke (I6261)
1745 He was the Marquess of Dorset. (C-780) GREY, Thomas Of Dorset 1St (I13436)
1746 He was the original "Knight of the Garter". (C-437, p. 583) DE HOLAND, Thomas Earl Of Kent I (I12802)
1747 He was the person who took the inventory of a Martha Harding's estate in 1633. She died intestate leaving a young son in the care of this Deacon John Doane. It is theorized that she was his sibling, but this is NOT proven.

His wives are not certain either. Most believe he had many children with an Ann Abigail Perkins. Proof is needed. 
DOANE, Deacon John (I11120)
1748 He was the Sion living in Kershaw Co., SC according to Beverly Burton. COATS, Sion (I1537)
1749 He was the son of a John Coate of Curry Rivel, Somerset, England according to his christening record. He had a daughter Elizabeth about 1675 in Curry Rivel that I saw in the records at one point in time but can't seem to refind. COATE, Thomas (I6595)
1750 He was the third Earl of Pembroke Marshall. MARSHALL, William (I6420)

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