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2101 I am certain of his death date and theorize that he is the father and son of a John as he fits by age and place for both individuals. COATE, William (I17174)
2102 I am conjecturing that Rebeca is William's unknown wife whom he married about 1790. I state this because she was definitely listed as his wife in an 1810 deed of sale of the heirs of Little John Coate when she gave away her dower rights.til now, what I've seen is William's 2nd wife, Elizabeth Webb as being his wife by 1809, but this is refuted by the deed of record. However, she also must have died close to the date she gave away her dower rights as her signature is not included with the other wives in the grouping of heirs of John Coate dated Nov. 20, 1810. UNKNOWN, Rebeca (I5537)
2103 I am conjecturing that this James was the son of James and Mary Watson Coate. I believe this could be true for the following reasons. 1) His father only listed 2 named children in his will and listed "other children". 2) When James ay Watson's daughter, Mary, is married (she also was one of the "other children" in his will), the 1st closest person in relationship to her is listed as James Coate. Her father James was deceased. There is no known James living at the time in the region that could account for him, accept if he is one of James and Mary Watson's "other children". 3) He has the right name to be a son of James and Mary. He was named after his father just as James and Mary named a daughter Mary after the mother. DNA evidence should be able to prove this one way or the other.

There is also a possibility that James married an Elizabeth before 1720. In his likely sister Mary's marriage certificate, James is listed right before Elizabeth as a close relative of Mary. She could be his wife or their common sister who was still unmarried. As far as we know, however, they had 2 sisters named Elizabeth whom had died previous to 1720. 
COATE, James (I5242)
2104 I am guessing that Anne is an unmarried sister of Thomas and George Underwood as she came over on the same ship as them. Capt. Moore Fauntleroy, the captain of the ship on which they traveled, received 450 cares of land on the Rappahannocer on the N. side of Swan Bay on May 22, 1650, for transporting 9 individuals including, George Underwood, his wife Mary and Anne Underwood. I have placed her as the daughter of Margaret and William Underwood, because Margaret's 2nd husband, Gentleman John Upton, bequeathed lands or monies to what appear to be all children of his 2nd wife: William, Elizabeth, Sarah and Margaret Underwood and Ann Wiliamson, wife of James Williamson who still lived in the area. (C-2403) UNDERWOOD, Anne (I8203)
2105 I am guessing that Mary died before 1830 since the age of William's wife in the 1830 censu is between 40-50 and this does not fit Mary's age group. This would fit the age of William's third wife, Rebecca. COATE, Mary (I11632)
2106 I am guessing that this is the Giles that died in 1347 on St. Mark's Day. If that is not true, then it likely belongs to a son of Giles. On that day, the following charters were made by Giles in the words of James Lawler: "1) nephew Wion of John de GRAFTON, for rent 20' a property for life at his death to remand to Henry elder son of said Giles deceased, and 2) to his younger son John for a yearly rent of 20 s also to remand at his death to eldest son Henry and brother to said John - revision in each case to successive tail general to him and his right heirs -- (property was in in Withybrook Warwickshire. in both cases)" DE ERDINGTON, Giles (I1591)
2107 I am not certain that this William married this Sarah, but by timing and place it seemed the most logical. He might have been the one of several William's in North Petherton who was buried on 6 Aug 1726 in North Petherton. Records do nt any relatives or age. COTE, William (I6932)
2108 I am theorizing that Elizabeth Coate of Curry Rivel who died as a spinster (unmarried) in 1713 is the daughter of this Marmaduke. I state this because in her will she leaves to her brother John Coate 4 pewter platters and a brewing vat whre from her father. One bore the initials M.C. (Marmaduke Coate). Her age and father's name of Marmaduke via baptismal records, her place of birth and father's initials of M.C. indicate she is the daughter of Marmaduke Coate married first to Joane Woodborne. Being said, it would also indicate that she had 2 brothers named John Coate. She also names another brother William whom had left her 2 of the platters as well as a kinswoman Elizabeth Andrews, daughter of George Andrews and Mary his wife. Note that George Andrews wife, Mary is also named as Elizabeth Coate's sister Mary in this will.

There are many significant clues in her will that have helped this familial line make sense.1. Her father was likely married at least twice and had 2 sons named John.2. The 4 pewter platters and brewing vat are extremely significant as that is what her grandfather, William Coate, gave to his son Marmaduke (her father) when he wrote his will in 1658. Her brother, Marmaduke, is mentioned in this will also.3. Her grandfather, William, is the only ancestral Coate will that has referenced brewing tools again suggesting she and named relatives are descended from this lineage.4. Other wills and baptismal records of Curry Rivel help us determine that her father had 2 sons named John and 2 named Marmaduke as well as 3 daughters named Joan through at least 2 wives. The wills somewhat overlap and all co-ordinate by time, place and family members names. 
COATE, Elizabeth (I6738)
2109 I am theorizing that he is a brother to Francis Potter. He has the same surname and lives in the same area as Frances. He sold 50 acres to John Stewart in Sussex Co., Delaware in 1724. Further proof, is that Jane Potter in her will bes gifts to her unamed son and two possible son-in-laws, one of which is known to daughter Francis' husband. POTTER, Abraham (I10654)
2110 I am theorizing that Henry had a brother named John who was born in a similar time period in Langport, Somerset, England. John's info is from family bible records published in Park's book on page 220 in the version printed in 1994. If soamed one of his children after his brother. COATE, Henry (I10115)
2111 I am theorizing that Mary is the daughter of Robert based upon DNA patterns of a match between my Mother and Mary's descendant of 4 cMs. Not a lot to go on at this point other than the fact that she was born in Donegal, Ireland at the rime to be William's sister. She is also listed as the daughter of Robert and Catherine in multiple Public Member Trees. CACONE, Mary COLQUHOUN (Usually listed as d. of Robert Colquhoun 1622) (I10492)
2112 I am theorizing that she is the daughter that married the Cook and had son Frank who was being babysat by his grandparents in 1935. She was called Nannie in the 1920 census for Florida and was listed at age 2. The 1930 census gives her age as 13. SHORTS, Nancy L. (I526)
2113 I am theorizing that there were 2 brothers that inhabited Muchelney of similar peerage and place to account for the majority if not all of the Muchelney Coates. They consistently had their name spelled Coate in this town which was unusuae names Henry and John were predominant in descendants of Marmaduke Coate and Mary Somner by the way. COATE (I17188)
2114 I am theorizing that this Robert was the son of this Henry. There are only a few places where this Robert, son of Henry could fit. He is listed as the son of Henry of Curry Rivel in his burial record. COATE, Robert (I2681)
2115 I am theorizing that this Samuel was the one in that area that died in 1735 and had his will administered by Marmaduke Coate (his uncle?). He was a waterman like his father and grandfather. His inventory which included no land and was vmall indicated he was quite young. Note that the first son born to John Coate (his theorized father) after this Samuel died was named Samuel in 1737 also fitting well with this theory.

I have seen two death dates for this Samuel. The first I can prove to be incorrect. There is a Samuel that died in 1728 in Yadkin, NC that has been thought by some to be him, but is not. According to Annette Nixon, that Samuel originally owned land called "The Experience" and had children named: John, Samuel, Henry, William and Charity. Charity married a Phineas Runyon in 1792. Of course, Annette stated this Samuel's death date was 1728 in Yadkin, NC. (C-1456) He absolutely is not the son Samuel of Amwell Twp. proved by a 1729 NJ deed where he is listed as the living son of the late Samuel Coate of Amwell Twp., NJ.

There is an administration on Jan. 28, 1735/6 for a Samuel by whom Marmaduke, was his administrator. He was from Bethlehem Twp., Hunterdon Co., NJ and listed as a waterman. The inventory was conducted by Joseph Willits and Robert Willson. Robert Willson who helped with the inventory would have been the brother of Uncle Henry's wife, Esther Willson. (C-253c, 1006, 1433) His administration is transcribed herein by Charlotte Coats Siercks. "Estate of Samuel Coate M. Coate Adm of S. Coate, Inventory enclosed, Hunterdon Co New Jersey and the Adm acc't enclosed __________________________ Know all men by these presents that we Marmaduke Coate and Joseph Willitts of Bethlehem in the County of Hunterdon in New Jersey say Yeoman are held and firmly bound unto his excellency William Cosby Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Province of New Jersey New York in the sum of forty pounds current lawful money of America, to be paid to his said excellency his Successors or assigns. To the which payment well and truly to be made, we do bind us and every of us, our and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals, dated the thirty first day of January in the ninth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain annoq; Doml 1735 The condition of this obligation is such, that if the above bounden Marmaduke Coate administrator of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits of Samuel Coate late of Bethlehem township in the County of Hunterdon in New Jersey Waterman, deceased, do make or case to be made a true and perfect inventory of all singular the goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased, which have or shall come to the hands possession or knowledge of the said Marmaduke Coate or into the hands of any other person or persons, for his use and the fame so made exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the registry of the prerogative court in the secretary's office of the province of New Jersey at or before the seventeenth day of April next ensuing and the same goods chattels and credits of the said deceased at the time of his death or which at any time after shall come to the hands or possession of the said Marmaduke Coate or unto the hands or possession of any other person or persons for his use do well and truly administer according to law, and further do make or case to be made a just and true account of his said administration at or before the thirty first day of January now next ensuing the date hereof ; and all the rest and upon the said administrators account the same being first examined and allowed of by the Judge for the time being of the said prerogative court, shall deliver and pay unto such person or persons respectively as the said judge for the time being of the said court, by his decree or sentence, pursuant to the true intent and meaning of an act of Parliament made in the 22d and 23d years of the reign of King Charles the Second entitled An act for settling intestates estates, shall limit and appoint. And if is shall hereafter appear, that any last Will and Testament was made by the said deceased, and the said executor or executors therein named do exhibit the same into the said prerogative court, making request to have it allowed and approved accordingly, if the said Marmaduke Coate and deliver the said letters of administration (approbation of such Testament being first hand and made in the said Court) Then this obligation to be void and of none effect or else to remain in full force and verture. Marmaduke Coate Joseph Willitts, his mark Sealed and delivered in the presence of Joseph Moss ______________________________________________ The accompt of Marmaduke Coate of Bethlehem in the County of Hunterdon, yeoman administrator of all and singular the good rights and credits which were of Samuel Coate late of the same place, Waterman deceased as well of (?) for said to (?) of the goods of the said deceased as came to his hands to be administered as of and for his payor. (?) This accomplant chargeth himself Debtor This accomptant chargeth himself with all and singular the goods rights and credits of the said deceased mentioned and specified in an inventory and appraisement thereof made and exhibited into the registry of the prerogative court in the secretary's office of Burlington amounting by the said inventory appears to the sum of 10 - l There is a list of payments made amount them: To John Pursel for last illness and funeral, the appraisers of the estate, to the surrogate of Burlington for letters of administration, to accomptant for his trouble in riding to Burlington which took up (?) days the roads and weather being very bad, Balance of account 10 # 1P I exhibit the above accompant as true in substance in every (?) are (other (?) being accepted) this twenty seventh day of February 1735. Marmaduke Coate, Administrator The above Accompant being just and true and supported by authentic and proper numbers I have passed the same and caused it to be filed the 27 day of February 1735 Arch Home, Reg ________________________________ A true inventory of Samuel Coate deseased estate made by Joseph Willits and Robert Willson. both of the County of Hunterdon on this 28th day of January 1735
10S Cow and calf and bell..............................
15# Mare..............................................
1# 30S Cart wheels....................................
10S Iron wave..................................,,....
1# Nails...........................................
9S 9P Chest and two bags.............................
8S Half a cow hide...............................
3S Wheat and rye .....................................
1# 5S Flax and Flax seed.............................
8S Fallow and beeffe .............................
6S 4P Wooden Wave.....................................
4S Sow ............................................

_______________10# 0S 1P Joseph Willits, his mark Robert Willson Joseph Willitts one of the appraisers of the above inventory being duly afffirmed did delare that the goods and chattels therein specified were by him appraised according to their just and ture respective rates and values in the best of his judgment and understanding and that he appraised all things that were broght ot his view for apprasimenet and that appraiser time Robert Wilson the toerh appraiser was present and in all things considered to the making thereof. Affirmed at Burlington the 31 day of January 1735 before me Joseph Ross, surrogate Marmaduke Coate admin of the goods rights and credits of Sam'l Coate deceased being duly affirmed did delare that the above writing contains a true and perfect inventory of the godds chattels and credits of the said deceased so far as hath come to his knowledge and possion or to the possion of any other person for his use affirmed at Burlington the 31 day of January 1735 before me, Joseph Ross, Surrogate." 
COATE, Samuel (I2724)
2116 I believe Daniel Coppock is the son of a different John because he was christened within a week of Francis Coppock whom can be verified to be John and Susan Lowe's child. Children were usually christened quickly after their birth. Theason that this Daniel might be a sibling to Francis is if they are twins and health was an issue. COPPOCK, Daniel (I1128)
2117 I believe Delilah might be a daughter-in-law to Samuel's likely son John. She could have been the Delilah Coates who married John Taylor either after his first wife who was a daughter of Samuel died or Samuel had a daughter named Delilahiginally married John Taylor. UNKNOWN, Delilah (I7924)
2118 I believe her death date is in 1806 as she and her husband had no more children after Owen was born. However, she could be the Elizabeth who was born about 1778 instead. If this is her below, we do not know why they did not have more childrerhaps they had moved elsewhere and were simply buried in Lllansanffraid.

County Cardiganshire
Place (Links to more information) Llansanffraid
Church name (Links to more information) St Bridget
Register type (Links to more information) Parish Register
Burial date 16 Apr 1833
Burial person forename Elizabeth
Burial person surname EVANS
Person age 69 
JAMES, Elizabeth (I5150)
2119 I believe her first name was misinterpreted by as M'gret. It would have been a difficult one to decifer. Mabella (I7067)
2120 I believe it's this Rebecca Teague (or her daughter) who was named as an overseer of the Union Monthly Meeting in Miami Co., Ohio when it was set off from the West Branch Monthly Meeting on Jan. 2, 1813. FURNAS, Rebecca (I13203)
2121 I believe she went by Anna and was living in the household her mother had lived in with her stepson Janos. In 1869, her mother was making a living by helping out and living in another household. Her 2 children under age were still livih her step-son Janos in house 27. Her estimated birthdate in the 1869 census was 1853, but was accurately in 1854 according to church records. The census records were often off by birthdate. DUDIK, Varvara (I2533)
2122 I believe that Moses Marmaduke Coate had a daughter named Rachel who wrote to Amanda Pemberton Krell in 1901 from Oregon. I have not found evidence of Rachel being his daughter other than the fact that she lists her father who passed awaeb. 24, 1901 at age 85, 2 mo, and 14 days and lists relationships to herself that often but not always fit if she is the child of Moses Marmaduke Coate.

The following census might apply to this Moses: COATES, MOSES, State OH Year 1850, County Darke County Record Type Federal Population Schedule, Township Franklin Township Page 331, Database OH 1850 Federal Census Index. 
COATE, Moses Marmaduke (I13679)
2123 I believe that the Albert born in 1860 according to his descendants is likely to be either the Albert born about 1861 in the 1881 census records for Bilston, England or the Albert b. abt 1861 in Berkenhead, Cheshire, England in the 1881 ceor Ridgacre, Worcestershier, England who was the nephew of Ann Dimmack and living with her. Another nephew in the household of Ann Dimmack's was Alfred, b. abt 1848 in Dudley, Worcestershire, England. In the first case, he would be the son of Mathias Dimmack, b. 1830 in Netherton, England. Albert Sr. Dimack was age 60, b. in England and living in Jefferson Co., Steubenville, OH in the 1920 census. His youngest son, Albert Jr. was age 14 and had been born in West Virginia. The movement pattern, his name and his age makes him a possible cousin or brother to our Keturah Dimmack, though this obviously needs to be researched further.

Keturah does name a son Albert. He and his family would have come to Ohio after 1906 and more likely after 1910 as I don't remember seeing him in the 1910 census. Steubenville is on the Ohio River, so it would have been a logical migration pattern from Wheeling, WV. His birth date is from Derek Green's information on the Internet at He stated his birth place was Bilster, England. Since there is no such place that I can find, I suspect that it was an oral tradition that was misinterpreted and that Albert was born in Bilston, England where other Dimmacks of the same name have been located. (C-1901)

Albert is likely to have married in 1886 in Wolverhampton Parish, England which is the Parish that would include families living in Bilston. The record needs purchased, It was recorded in Dec. 1886, in Vol. 6B, p. 784. If it is him, it would belong to a first unknown wife as his wife Mary Katheirne Schmidt was born in 1870 on a ship coming to the U.S. from Denmark.

Albert is the correct age to be the nephew who visited Joseph Dimmack's home in the 1871 census, (Ridgacre, Ecclesiastical parish: Christchurch and Quinton, Town: Quinton, County/Island: Worcestershire, Country: England) making it somewhat likely that Joseph (also an Iron Dealer) is a brother to Albert's father.

Joseph Dimmack also had a niece visiting named Martha Bunn (Buren), age 7, born in Bilston according to the 1871 census records. Albert's place of birth however, is listed as West Bromwich in Staffordshire instead of Bilston in the 1881 census when his parents are giving his birthplace. That would have been the same place as possible cousin Keturah was born so it still all fits for time, place and naming patterns.

According to his death record, he was a metal refiner by trade. He was the son of Mathias and Elizabeth Dimmack. He was born Apr. 17, 1860 in Bilster, England. Mary Catherine Schmidt had been his wife preceding him in death. His parents were Elizabeth and Mathias Dimmack. 
DIMMACK, Albert Mathias (I8597)
2124 I believe this is the Thomas that is the ancestor of cousin matches to my mother on Gedmatch with the following kit numbers.

GEDCOM ID#: 2112777

Kit Number: A271988

Kit Number: A919837

Kit Number: SR4341460 * 9.8 cM's in common
EVANS, Thomas (I18430)
2125 I believe this Mary to be a daughter of Samuel and Ellen Sidwell Coppock even though her parents are listed as Samuel and Eleanor Coppock in 1812 when she marries in Little Britain MM. It states was deceased in Little Britain MM, Pennsylv. and all these facts fit only this Samuel and Ellen Sidwell Coppock. (E) COPPOCK, Mary (I15846)
2126 I believe this record probably belongs to the son of John Jameson who appears to have died 4 years previous to this.CHRONICLES OF THE Scotch-Irish Settlement IN VIRGINIA EXTRACTED FROM THE ORIGINAL COURT RECORDS OF AUGUSTA COUNTY 1745-1800TA COUNTY COURT RECORDS. ORDER BOOK No. XXIV. page 518 John Jameson Aug. 26th (1780) 8 3 Sept. 1 (he entered into service on this day) He was likely at least 21 years of age when he purchased land from likely brother William Jameson in 1769.CHRONICLES OF THE Scotch-Irish Settlement IN VIRGINIA EXTRACTED FROM THE ORIGINAL COURT RECORDS OF AUGUSTA COUNTY 1745-1800 CIRCUIT COURT RECORDS, SECTION "I." JUDGMENTS. page 194 Jameson vs. Hughart--O. S. 252; N. S. 89--Bill, 1813. John Jameson of Augusta died, intestate, leaving widow Martha, who has since married James Hughart, and infant children, viz: Alexander, William, Rachel, James. JAMESON, John (I9163)
2127 I descend through one of these sons of Reginald and Barbara Farley. There are 3 theories at this point in time with no good proof that I've seen for this generation. All 3 are attributed to have married Jane Hungerford. Obviously, af guessing is going on. Janes' name has been listed as a combined name that could account for their different wives: Lady Jane Evans Allen Hungerford. FARLEY, Thomas or Roger or Fabyan * (I17006)
2128 I do not believe this Edward had a son Edward who emigrated to the colonies because I can find no DNA matches with descendants of Edward. Here is more detail.

I have been able to find no evidence that Rev. Edward of Salem, Mass. is the son of Edward Norris, Gov. of Ostend. This includes checking for any first hand records, checking autosomal DNA cousin triangulations with my Uncle, Sharon Coates Kubacki and descendants of John Norris b. 1617-1621 of England, Mass. and NY.

Mary was of Newbury whose closest possible relative was Edward Norris, Gov. of Ostend who lived 12 miles from Newbury, Berkshire, England. Descendants of she and John do NOT triangulate with descendants of Rev. Edward of Salem, Mass.

Major publications like "The American Genealogist" article concur stating he had no children with his wife who was a cousin. The Visitations of Berkshire concluded in the early 1600's don't list them with any children either.
NORRIS NORREYS,, Sir Knight Edward Baron and Vicar of Tetbury Gov. of Ostend 1590-1599 I (I17792)
2129 I don't yet have good evidence that she is a daughter of Ephraim Dimmock. DIMMACK, Alta (I1674)
2130 I finally found the marriage record for this Marmaduke and Marie. In the index, her name is listed as Maxine Flinner, but when you enlarge the original book it's in, it looks like Marie Smner. This clerk left out vowels when not needed phonetically. In this case the S is represented by 2 small f looking letters. It's possible that it is how the clerk wrote Skinner, which is the same name in the soundex search on as Somner but the small k would normally be very flowery and was a very simple uncrossed f looking letter in her marriage record. We don't believe the double f letters represent f in this case as there were not translations for fnner or fmner in all of Somerset in

She wrote her will on Nov. 2, 1626 in Curry Rivel, Co. Somerset as a widow. She named all the children and the number of grandchildren she had by each child in her will which was probated in 1631. These included her son, William Coate and his 4 children (William, Cresset); her son, Thomas Coate and his 3 children (Mary, Joan and Elizabeth); her daughter Rachel German and her 3 children; to John Woodborne's 3 children, to Mary Woodborne, daughter of John Woodborne, to John the son of John Woodborne; to Joane Woodborne, the daughter of John Woodborne; to her son Henry Coate a chest in the hall and after his decease to his son Marmaduke Coate; and to her kinswoman, Alice Skinner. (Note: Alice Skinner is likely the Alse Skinner, widow who died in Dunster, Somerset, England and was buried there in St. George Parish on Aug 12, 1632. Many Skinner's lived in Dunster. She could also have had her surname misinterpreted and be the Alse Somer who died in 1638 in Othery, Somerset, England who was a widow.) She gave the rest of her goods after division of her debts to John Woodborne and Henry Coate. She named these last 2 her executors. She does not explain her relationship to John Woodborne, father of Mary, John and Joan Woodborne in her will. Her name was spelled Marie Coate in this document. (I believe they are great grand children via a marriage record dated 1655 to a Marmaduke Coate indicating Mary Woodborne was born before 1626 and was a gr. granddaughter by age.) The witnesses to this will were Roger Cole, William Sawble and William Sawellysis with his mark of an X. I'm assuming because she thinks so highly of John Woodborne, that his wife was a deceased daughter of her and Marmaduke Coate's. Her kinswoman, Alice Skinner was likely near her age with Skinner being her married name. The will was proved in Taunton in 1631.

The fact that it and any of these Somerset wills that I have summarized in my Somerset Coate records survived the bombings of World War II says that they had 2nd copies hand transcribed at an alternate location near the time they were created sent to Taunton, Somerset, England. All wills of the wealthy were duplicated and sent to Taunton. Those did not get bombed in World War II.

Her most likely parent is a Rich/Richard Somner/Sommer from Othery which is 3.6 miles from Weston Zoyland where Marmaduke and Mary married. It is now a part of Bridegwater where Marmaduke Coate was from before he and Mary settled in adjacent Curry Rivell. Here is how the Somner's are grouped in Othery, Bridgewater and Weston Zoyland

Mary Smner/Somner b. bef 1560 m. Marmaduke Coate in 1575 in Weston Zoyland.

Francis Smner/Somner b. bef 1560 m. Joan Bragge in 1575 in Weston Zoyland

Margaret Smner/Somer b. bef 1562 m. William (?h)inge in 1577 in Weston Zoyland

Alice Somner buried Apr 4, 1551, d. of Richard Somner in Baltonsborough, Bridgewater, England which is 13 miles from Othery

William Somner, baptized Mar 24, 1551/2 in Baltonsborough, son of Richard

Joan d. of Richard, b. 1560 in Othery (Joan Somner and John Howell married in 1598)

Isabell d. of Richard, b. 1561 in Othery

Thomas s. of Rich Sommer baptized 1563

Richard s. of Richard Sommer baptized 1574

Richard d. 1590

John Somer, b. 1560 in Bridgwater, Somerset, England. Father unlisted.

Jone, b. 1562, in Bridgwater. Father unlisted.

Robert b 1564 in Bridgwater. Father unlisted.

Mary Somer b. 1562 in Maperton, Somerset which is 26 miles from Weston Zoyland where Mary married Marmaduke Coate if this is the same Mary.

Richard Cox and (H)abell Somner m. in 1562

Robert s. of John Sommer baptized 1570

William Sommer and Joan Cox m. in 1569

Thomas s. of William baptized 1571

Robert s. of William Sommer baptized 1576

Mary Somer b. 1574 to unknown parents in Bridgewater (She is not our Mary)

William Cox and Elizabeth Sommer in 1572

Mary Sommer and Bartabyn Willaway m. in 1577 in Bridgewater

Walter Somer and Elizabeth Harris in 1587

Joan d. of Walter baptized 1592

Richard s. of Walter Sommer baptized 1597

John s. of Walter baptized 1602

Robert s. of M.W. Sommer baptized 1589

Joan d. of Ales Sommer baptized 1590 (Joan Somner and Joseph Adezfee in 1604)

Ales Somner and Thomas Fane m. on 21 Apr 1594John s. of John Somner baptized 1595

Sabilla d. of Jo. Sommer baptized and buried 1599

Margaret Somner and John Cox were married in 1596</line>

Mary Sommer d. 1603 in Bridgewater

Joan, d. of Edward Sommer/Somner baptized 1605

William Sommer and Joan Cox m. in 1612

William s. of Edward baptized 1613, Jul 13

Thomas s. of Edward baptized 1613, Jul 13Thomas s. of John baptized 1616 (Thomas is probably the grandson of Walter or John above)

Not all of their births are accounted for in the church records of Othery including Mary Somner's b. bef 1563.
SOMNER, Marie (I16217)
2131 I got her first name from Amanda, a John Cole, Sr. descendant who knew that James Reeder was married to Mary Coate, daughter of Samuel. The source of the information was "Eight Generations - Descendants of Thomas Reeder" by Chris Reederp:// Her first son was named after her father, Samuel. COATE, Mary (I14946)
2132 I have 2 solid triangulations checked from all Q angles on Gedmatch with descendants of this Captain John Madison Hunter II via my Mother's DNA test on chrome 1 for John Hunter and his wife, Rachel McFarland.

Their sons John, Benjamin, William, David, and possibly Robert lived in Stokes County, N.C. where my Susannah's kin, Nancy married. Susannah was born in NC according to most of her census records. Nancy was born in Virginia. Nancy fits by name, year of birth, and state to be the granddaughter of this Capt. John via his son Robert.

Our Susannah has not been located in historical documents for parentage. This will become obvious why with further reading. We know that she is related to Nancy for the following reasons. She followed her and her husband Asa Amos, to Cabell County, Virginia (later West Virginia) by 1823 where she married our William D. Clark (a likely Mulato) raised in that county. They and Nancy's family then moved to Perry Twp., Gallia Co., Ohio where they attended the same Baptist Church and are buried as elderly survivors of life. We also have ten small but strong DNA triangulations with Nancy's grandparents, this Capt. John Madison Hunter and his wife, Rachel.

My theory is that Susanah has not been found in family records because, she was the product of one of Captain John's sons of Stokes, NC, and one of their many slaves. By 1820, Nancy and husband Amos as well as Susannah started moving together. They appear to be close, traveling, living, and worshiping in the same settings. My DNA would be explained logically if both William Clark (husband of Susannah) and Susannah Hunter were about a quarter African and the other was an eighth. My traces from Africa in multiple parts of the continent at the 1.5% estimate make sense going back to the generation of William and Susannah Hunter Clark. We do know that William D. Clark was a mulatto that passed for white in census records. He was a freeman given land by his father (though not named as his son) in Cabell Co., West Virginia. We know this is likely because William and Susannah's son, James A. Clark was definitely a mulatto passing for white also. He had tan skin, a narrow pointed nose, gray eyes, and VERY tightly curled kinky hair. My DNA and other family members verify that African ancestry comes through at the generation of Capt. John and Rachel McFarland's son's level. A pure Caucasian woman would not have married a mulatto at the time.

Capt. John's sons, John, Benjamin, William, David, and possibly Robert lived in Stokes County, North Carolina some of the time from 1790 onward. Susannah could be the daughter of any of these Hunter males with the most likely being, Benjamin. Benjamin was the son that owned slaves in Stokes Co., NC and moved back to Virginia, possibly near his brother, Robert, by 1820.

Robert is the father of Nancy who started moving north to Cabell Co., Virginia and then Perry Twp., Gallia Co., Ohio in 1820 at the same times as Susannah and her husband William Clark. There is hope that someday we will know which of this John's son's are hers via multiple autosomal DNA cousin triangulations.

As to the parentage of John's children, he is said to have 2 wives, the 2nd being Mary Early, both dying in the year 1790. The John Hunter who married a Mary Faust Early married in Norfolk, VA. This was over 200 miles from where he lived at the time. That makes it unlikely that it belongs to the same John Hunter. Divorces were unlikely at the time which also makes it unlikely. My DNA goes through the McFarland line so that is whom I believe is the mother of his children. Mary Faust Early was also much younger than him, being born in 1725. 
HUNTER, Capt. John Madison * (I11279)
2133 I have 2 triangulations to James Alexander and Isabelle Currie Hunter's descendants on Gedmatch with Q scores supporting this small cM match as strong on chromosome 20, segments 4,300,000 to 5,200,000. Two descend through John Hunter married to Rachel Coleman. One descends from his son John married to Rachel McFarland. Both descendants lived in Stokes County, N.C. though I have a triangulation with the John married to Rachel McFarland. I have hunted for the one married to Rachel Coleman with no success. I also have 10 cousin matches to descendants of his children on Ancestry at 8 cM-22cM matches in size.

Out of all of his sons, John is the likely father of Nancy and Susanah as he lived in Stokes most of his adult life. James Alexander's son, David, lived there for a very short while as the 2nd possibility. Neither appears to have raised these daughters suggesting they could have been illegitimate through a neighbor, possibly a slave. Since Susanah married a Mulato who could pass for white, maybe the same was true of her also. 
HUNTER, James Alexander Of Duns * I (I11057)
2134 I have a cousin match between my Mom and a descendant of this Sarah named James Ward on her father's side just as it should be. CALHOUN, Sarah (I4562)
2135 I have a cousin who is a DNA match to me who descends through this Elizabeth. She is listed as the daughter of James Jr. instead of this John in her tree. However, the daughter Elizabeth is already accounted for in James' tree. She would not be the likely daughter of Samuel because he was still living when her bondsman wasn't even a brother when she married James Crutchfield in 1824. A Mr. Harmon was her bondsman which indicates her father was deceased. That suggests she is the daughter of John Johnstone Calhoun instead who was deceased by 1824 and did have a daughter that age in the 1820 census for his wife, Sarah. CALHOON, Elizabeth (1820 census only - 1 of 2 age 26-44- Why wasn't she in the 1810 census?) (I11325)
2136 I have a DNA cousin match to a grandson of this John listing us as 3rd or 4th cousins. EVANS, John W (I9234)
2137 I have a DNA match that doesn't know her Amanda Calhoun on Ancestry is the d. of Samuel Duncan and Elizabeth Calhoun. CALHOUN, Amanda (I7227)
2138 I have a male cousin match and triangulation via my Mother's DNA with a descendant of this Nathaniel at over 6 cM's that holds up from every direction with the Q one-to-one comparison tool at Gedmatch. This is impressive as it would actually be a triangulation to Nathaniel's parents. COHOON, Nathaniel (I10565)
2139 I have a second account that says she was born in 1774 and her marriage to James Curtis was in 1806. Her death date in one source was Oct. 1807 of childbirth in Miami Co., Ohio I suspect we have a second Nancy Mast married to a Curtiss being confused with this Nancy. I've also seen her husband listed as John Curtis instead. According to descendants of this Nancy, she was born in 1757 based on an 1850 Montgomery Co., OH census which says that she was 93 years of age. The age could be slightly off at this elderly age, as her birth is calculated at 1762 by other sources with her parents marriage date calculated at 1758 in several sources. She was supposedly 102 years of age at her death. (C-2172) MAST, Nancy (I15802)
2140 I have a triangulation at MyHeritage with Mark Henson and Teresa Kandor where our MRCA couple starts with this A. James Clark and his wife on chromosome 7 proving them as our ancestors by autosomal dna. A. James Clark and Lola Tobin ln Columbus for a while, then moved to Thurman (Centerville) where he had a little store. A barber shop was connected to it where his son William Edward Clark was a barber. Then, A.J., as he was called, set up a general store in Rio Grande. It was connected to a very large house: Three floors, fireplace in every bedroom, the dining room table could hold 30 people, chimes were rung to let everyone know dinner was served. A.J. first bought merchandise for the store at a cost of $900.00. He made about $1000.00 a year in profit from this shop. He and Talmadge Cottrell, his son-in-law, finally bought and owned the house and adjacent store after several years business. (CL-103) When I saw it on a 1979 visit to Rio Grande, it was being used as a dormitory for Rio Grande College and was a ghost of the grandness that it used to be. As of 1985, it was no longer standing.

According to tax receipts for A. J. Clark's property (now in the possession of Linda Coate), he owned multiple pieces of property. Around 1900 he owned 50 acres in section 34 and section 26 in Raccoon Township, Gallia Co., Ohio Fifty acres adjoining his property in section 34 belonged to his wife Lola C. Clark in a 1900 map. (CL-12) In Dec. of 1936: Lot 22, 23, 27, and 28 in Rio Grande and Lot 41. (CL-DOC) A. James Clark had a very good mind and was mathematically inclined.

His newspaper obituary states that he was a "well known and leading citizen ... the head of an excellent family." He was well loved in his community. (CL-DOC) He was a member of the Methodist Church in Rio Grande. He died of a heart attack while playing checkers, a game he truly enjoyed. He and his neighbors played checkers around the pot bellied stove in his grocery store and talked about politics and religion. He didn't like the children sitting on the store's counter top. He told them they would have to pay him if they did. He spit out his tobacco while driving his car and the whole family would duck to keep away from the flying tobacco. He lost his glasses often, and usually they could be found on top of his head!

Most of these recollections were provided by my mother, Marcena Irene Clark Coate, a granddaughter of A. James Clark. Her strongest memory of her grandmother, Lola Tobin Clark, happened when Marcena wore her first pair of slacks to her grandmother's house. Lola firmly reprimanded her saying, "Girls don't wear pants. Go home and take them off. Don't ever wear them again." Marcena didn't wear them for years afterwards, either. (CL-53, 103) 
CLARK, Andrew James (I11715)
2141 I have been able to find no evidence that he is the son of Edward Norris, Gov. of Ostend on Berkshire, England. This includes checking for any first hand records, checking autosomal DNA cousin triangulations with my Uncle, Sharon Coates Kubacki and descendants of John Norris b. 1617-1621 of England, Mass. and NY. Mary Norris, our ancestor, and John Norris of Mass. and NY have triangulations and are definitely related, even that far back in time though more than 6 triangulations. This indicates their ancestors were wealthy and intermarried in England.

Mary was of Newbury whose closest possible relative was Edward Norris, Gov. of Ostend who lived 12 miles from Newbury, Berkshire, England. Descendants of she and John do NOT triangulate with descendants of Rev. Edward of Salem, Mass. 
NORRIS, Edward (I17799)
2142 I have conjectured that the Lord of Rhys listed as the father of Maegwaen is also the same Lord of Rhys who is the father of Gruffydd in the Jones Genealogy of the Princes. (C-486, p. 21) This is most likely true if son Gruffydd died atg age, years before his brother. LORD OF RHYS (I16262)
2143 I have conjectured that this John is the husband of Anne Alwine. He is the only John I know of in that vincinity the right age to match a marriage record to Anne, unless it's a second marriage for his father. (C-1591) SHORT, John (I10328)
2144 I have corresponded with a Greg Watt who has Kuchar ancestors. His Josef was born in 1812 in Nepromerice, Bohemia, Czechoslovakia and married Marie Brantova. If this ancestor ties in, his ancestry is in my files under D-163. I have alsoponded with a Carolyn Kuchar who has ancestor John Kuchar, b. 1859 in Austria to Anton and Teresia Epich Kuchar. He supposedly had a brother and three sisters. He came to Illinois by way of Pennsylvania to work the coal mines. (D-166) KURUTZEK \ KURUZEK \ KUNINCS?K \ KYSZCZAK, Anna (I11729)
2145 I have in my files a copy of the ancestry of Herbert Hoover that includes biographical descriptions of Henry Coate's (Marmaduke's son) emigration from SC to Ohio in Aunt Grace's handwriting. According to my father, her sister Mamie McKinlld do the composing and Aunt Grace would handwrite it out. It's likely that this manuscript entitled "Ohio History of Herbert Hoover's Ancestry" was what Mamie was preparing for a Dayton paper as referred to in an Apr 25, 1931 letter between Mrs. Dunn to Mrs. McKinley.

The letter from Aunt Grace written on May 10, 1963 is partially transcribed below by Richard Coate, it's recipient. The part in which she included Aunt Mamie's work still needs to be transcribed, but it was sent in this letter. "I received a nice letter from your mother a couple weeks ago. She is looking forward with great anticipation to all of you children coming home this summer. How I would like to see all of you. I think she is doing marvelously well to be so active as she is. She is not far from 70. But I guess I was still pretty active at that age, too. I am now 81. Peggy and Don stopped to see her in Trenton on their way home from Houston." [Don was returning to Houston to be employed as Sports Editor for a Houston newspaper.]

"Hannah's son, Richard, is a junior in High School. He was sent with 83 other Boy Scouts to England on a Scout Exchange deal." I feel I have missed so much in not living closer to my nieces and nephews. You all are such nice folks. Albert and family topped here a few minutes on Mar. 10 en route from Mt. Clemens where they had taken Marcena's Aunt home. Albert's children are adorable. Was so glad to hear that Warren, Bob, and Albert's families all went down to Ashville for Martha Ann's wedding and your mother, too."I'm glad I was well enough to go to Mamie's as long as she lived. I spent much time there in the last two years - from 2 to 7 weeks at a time. She was so patient and kind.

There are so many things that come to my mind of long ago, that I want to know and only she could answer."I am expecting Margaret and Robert Fuller the latter part of this month. Their travels East and West North and South, (Australia to Alaska) have been extensive. Of course your darling daughter, Jennifer is walking and is she talking some by now?"

She also enclosed a document Aunt Mamie had drawn up concerning our genealogy, tracing our lineage all the way back to the Marmaduke who, along with his wife, Edith spent fifteen years in an English prison because of their adherence to the teachings of George Fox. It was pretty much what she had already taught us. (C-362) (Note: Our direct ancestor turned out to be John Coate married to Elizabeth Humphries. John spent 15 years in prison for not paying tithes to the Church of England because he was a Quaker. This has been proven through autosomal and YDNA).

According to cousin, Martha Hale, Grace and two of her sisters followed in their fathers footsteps and went to college. This would have been before women won the right to vote. 
COATE, Grace Arabelle (I11631)
2146 I have included David as a possible son of Rev. Joseph and likely brother to his son Joseph. In couple military records, David witnesses Joseph's military aid where he provided 5 bushels of corn and 10 bushels of oats to the militray in 1cording to Joseph's pension application in 1796. It's filed in Charleston in 1796, but it doesn't state where Joseph or David were living at the time. (C-1708, 1952)

Since this is the family that has Joseph in it, I am assuming that David is a brother that belongs with this family. Other circumstantial evidence that supports this is the fact that David lives in Kershaw Co., SC like his possible brothers starting with 1800 census, and he is of correct age to be their brothers. He lives directly next to Lemuel Coates of the same age, another brother, in the 1820 census.

He might be the David who married Eunice Coppock and had daughter Lavinia Coats. He was born before 1755 and he is probably the David who was over 45 in the 1800 census and beyond for Kershaw Co. He had 3 males 10 and under, 1 male between 10 and 16, and 1 between 16 and 26. His wife was over age 45 and they had a daughter under 10, and one from ten to 16. In 1810, he and his wife appear to still be living. They have 1 son under age 10, and one between 16 and 26. They only have one daughter left under age 10, the eldest having moved out. In 1820, he appears to be the David Sr. listed. He and his wife are still living. Two males from 26-45 live in the household. There is a young male under age 10 (I'd guess that to be a grandson of David, Sr.). There is a female from age 26-45 and a female from 16 to 26 also living with them. He lived next door to Lemuel (over age 44) (likely brother) and James Coates (age 26-44) (Likely son of David). By 1830, David disappears. The ages of his children place him as this David and not his Uncle David who would have been nearing 70 in the 1800 census, making it highly unlikely that he would have 4 children under age 10 at that point in time.

Living within a few houses of this David, is a widow, Winney Coats, age 16-26 years living with a daughter under age 10. From location, this Winney could easily be his daughter-in-law.... through a deceased son.

David is listed as the son of William Coates Sr. of Dorchester Co., SC in Staples' book. However, because I'm only finding 1 David in the census records, I suggest that it's more likely that he is a brother to Joseph and a son of the Joseph of Orangeburgh Co., SC whose apparent sons moved to Kershaw Co., SC at points in their lifetime.

He is in the following Kershaw Co., Court records: 7/30/1792 on the Grand Jury; 3/2/1793, suit, David vs. John Harwell; 2/3/1793, suit, David Coats vs. John Harwell; 8/8/1794, Suit, David Coats vs. John Harwell; 8/7/1795, Grand Jury; and 2/9/1796, Grand Jury. 
COATS, David (I16679)
2147 I have not been able to find any Joshua Kuhn or Kuhns living with his parents before the 1900 census. In the 1900 census, he is listed as Joshua Kuhn. He was born in Ohio and his parents and his wife's parents were born in Germany.s a carpenter by trade. His wife and children's birthdates are listed on it. They had a boarder, age 32, name Jonas Kuhn, who was born in Ohio and could easily have been a relative. In 1910, he, his wife, Ida, and daughters Amber, Naomi, Nina and May lived in the household again under the name Kuhn. He was listed as a slater (roofer) by trade. They owned their home in Tuscarawas, Choshocton, Ohio.

Joshua Kuhn is living with his daughter as a widowed man in the 1920 census for Tuscarawas, Coshocton Co., OH. He was living with his daughter Ida May, age 13, b. Ohio. It lists him as being born in Ohio and his parents being born in Germany. He was a teamster by trade. He is not the J.F. Kuhns in the 1930 census for New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio. He is age 64. His wife, Ida, is age 65. They were married when he was 21 and she was 22. They and their parents were born in Ohio. He was a lawyer and a general practitioner at the time. That J.F. Kuhns was a lawyer in the city directories for Tuscarawas County, Ohio from 1917-1930. He is however, definitely the Joshua Kuhn in the 1940 census in Tuscarawas, Coshocton Co, OH. His daughter Mae was living with him, age 32, grand-daughter, Virginia Hall, age 14, grandson, Homer Hall, age 20, and grandson, Charles A. Hall, age 17. He is listed at age 76. They were all born in Ohio. He lived in Coshocton, Ohio in 1935 according to this census.

I believe the following record could belong to him. A J. Kuhn is listed as a cabinet maker who entered out country through New York City on Jun 3, 1891. He was German and a cabinet maker by trade. His destination was Cleveland, Ohio. He had 3 bags of luggage whereas others usually brought 1 bag. He came on the ship Westernland. He departed through Antwerp, Belgium in what would have been the year before he married and would account for why we can't find him in pre 1900 census records. His profession was that of cabinet maker. He was age 27. His profession is similar to his profession in the 1900 census suggesting this immigration record belongs to him. He was not traveling with any other family members that can be ascertained. 
KUHN, Joshua (I9471)
2148 I have seen his birth date listed as 1803 or 1833. It really isn't known. However, he would have been a twin if he was born in 1803 as his sister, Abigail, was born then. COATE, William T. (I1257)
2149 I have seen Jane Ferguson listed as the daughter of Samuel, Andrew or John Ferguson with Samuel being the most common 2nd hand source. She was listed by a likely grandchild in the 1880 census as being born in Pennsylvania which we believe to be false. Samuel appears to be her correct father by cousin matches who have traced their trees the same direction. I also have many cousin matches to the Jamesons through her mother. FERGUSON, Jane * (I8411)
2150 I have the descendants of this Benjamin Underwood down to Glenda Bowling, a current day descendant, and careful researcher of this Underwood line in my Pagis Pro database if any cousin would like further info. (E) UNDERWOOD, Benjamin (I8506)

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