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2701 Julius Link was listed as a cabinetmaker in his daughter, Theresia's birth certificate. One special carved piece of furniture was in possession of Theresia Rosa Link's during her adulthood. Theresia's bedroom furniture also could have dack to her father although this is not certain. The bedroom set was last in possession of her husband, Norman Forte's, second wife. (F-115) Mabel Link, deceased, also owned a carved chest made by Julius. Julius was from Hendungen, Bavaria according to his marriage record. This agrees with his emigration record. He was born in Baden, Germany according to his daughter Theresia in the 1930 Census for Pennsylvania.

He arrived in New York City in April of 1889 at age 16 with his sister Rosa. They are listed of Hendungen, Germany. He had no profession at the time. They traveled in "Steerage V" on the ship, Lahn. They left from the port Bremen, Germany and then Southampton, England.

Hank and Bill Forte, grandsons of Julius Link feels certain that the Links were actually from Darmstadt, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, in the state of Bayern (Bavaria), Germany. (F-55,444) Different family members feel the Links also lived in Essen, Baden Baden in W. Germany or from a city that is recalled as Melorystadt? or Michelstein?, close to Bomberg Germany (Bavaria).

The 1930 census records for their daughter, Theresa states that her mother, Elizabeth Eckstein was born in Hessen-Darmstatt, Germany and her father, Julius Link was born in Baden, so family tradition probably reversed their birth places. He died of typhoid fever shortly before his son Julius was born. He asked his sister Rose to look after his family.

Even so, son Walter was placed in Girard College (home for boys) when he was 6 years old. His mother, Elizabeth W. Ekstein, remarried and had one more son. She also died young around age 45 (F-41, 105a) Her second husband broke up the household and took his son with him. Theresia was already married to Norman and they took in sister, Aurelia. Aurelia then married and went to Atlantic City. She had a daughter who died at age 18. Walter was about 18 and went on by himself. He had left Girard at age 16. He met Mabel, his future bride, at church around age 18. He married at age 23. Julius, Jr. was put in a foster home. Julius's parentage is not known for sure, but is listed here via a large number of matches to the ancestors of Barbara Link Lustenader. (F-118,232) We have his sister Rosie also listed in the 1900 census records for Philadelphia, PA with a birth date of Dec 1874 who came over the same year as her brother, Julius in 1889. (D-72)

Transcript of the Marriage Record for Julius Link and Elizabeth Ekstein as translated from original German copy by Ken Smith: 3/85

(Brau-Schein) (Dass) Herr Julius Link from (Hendungen), Bavaria and Frowlein Lizzie Ekstein from Beerfelden, Hessen (-Damstadt) (wedded) 25th July, 1896 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (in the presence of witnesses): Herr Adam Kraft (*pronounced Kroft), Frl. Rosa Link. (Chelich verbunden) (norden sind nird hierdurch glaubnurdig bexeugt) Philadelphia (den) 25th July 1896. G.J. (Muller), pastor of (Unabh) St. Paul's Lutheran Church. (*see F-108, E)or a translation by Mathias Siefert of Hendungen, Bavaria, Germany:That Mister Julius Link from Hendungen, Bavaria and Miss Lizzie Ekstein from Beerfelden, Hesse on 25th July 1896 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in presence of the witnesses Mister Adam Kraft, Miss Rosa Link: martially joined have been, is herewith believable witnessed Philadelphia the 25th July 1896 ? J. M 
LINK, Julius (I12646)
2702 Julius was called Jules according to his cousins. Leo Link, son of Vincenz, believes he worked for the Philadelphia "Bulletin". This has not been verified. He was married and his wife died several years before a letter dated 1981 from Jick's Gr. Aunt Mabel. According to Mabel, he died a few years after Aurelia did. LINK, Julius (I165)
2703 Ka-Okee is traditionally the daughter of Keocum Japasaw and Matoaka whom is known by Americans as Pocahontas. The sources stating this are Wikipedia, The Shawne Heritage Book, V. IV, p. 99-102, The True Story of Pocahontas: The Other Side of History, by. Dr. Angela Daniel and Linwood Custalo, The National Park Service, WebNetherlands and Find-A-Grave. The Smithsonian Magazine and recent historians have also been published this Indian's tribe oral history.

Ka-Okee was an young child when her mother, Pocahontas, was taken by the British. She by some traditions had a brother also. She was raised by her mother's oldest sister and her husband. When she married a Col. Thomas Petuss who was of influence and wealthy birth in Europe, their subsequent daughters were greatly desired by the men also from families of stature in England. 
PATAWOMECK *, Ka-Okee "Jane" (I11333)
2704 Kame gives his birth date at about 230. This would precede his father and grandfather's birth date in other sources, so all three generations need verified. (C-1419) DUKE OF FRANKS, Dagobert (I16632)
2705 Katherine Mary called Katie resided her adult life in Bradford, Pennsylvania. She was well liked by her niece Susan Bartoo Brennan. She can remember her crocheting slippers for them. Susan's grandfather was a brother to Charles Bartod William Lawrence Bartoo born almost exactly 9 months apart. KACMAR, Katherine (Katie) Mary (I11784)
2706 Ken Parish gives a 1722 birth date for this David and his wife as Hannah Davis, b. 1724. If these dates are correct they couldn't be the parents of Mary Bowen who has a birth date around 1720. However, I have seen one of his siblings birtes at 1703, so it is possible that he was born early enough to be the father of Mary Bowen after all. BOWEN, David Sr. (I8647)
2707 Kevin Kirk in "Augusta County Virginia Heritage Book" states that Hugh was listed as the only son of George who remained in Augusta Co., VA and inherited his father's estate. He was also the administrator of his father's estate. He hads with children by all of them. According to See's book on George Glenn, his son Hugh's son, George was the father of the infamous Dr. Hugh Glenn of California.

The birth dates for this family came from Hugh Glenn's Bible. On the inside front cover it is inscribed "Hugh Glenn's Book, 12/25/1796." In several cases the dates were very difficult to read and might be misinterpreted. (CL-343) Three of his children's names were illegible with birth dates of 3/25/180(8?), 12/23/1809, and 1/15/1812. We have determined that the child born in 1809 was also named George. It's likely that his first son named George died before 1809. (CL-343) He was the founder of Mt. Sidney in Augusta Co., VA which was named by a relative through marriage, Samuel Curry. 
GLENN, Hugh (I12271)
2708 Kezia was granted a certificate to Gunpowder MM from Kennett MM, Chester Co, PA on Apr 15, 1790. He basically followed his parents who had moved there the summer before. COATES, Kezia (I5234)
2709 Kidderminster, Worcestershire, England is only 14 miles from where Henry and Anne raised their children in Rowley Regis, Staffordshire, England. BARNSLY, Henry * (I15341)
2710 Killed in battle against his Uncle Olaf, the Danish King of Dublin, before he was made High King. Midheach Muirceartach na Midhe (~ of Meath) Muirchertach Midheach is his name in his language. MACNEILL, Muircheartach (I17176)
2711 Killed in Battle. Known as Niall of the Nine Hostages from the nine counties of Ireland that he subdued and made tributary to him. The are Munster, Leinster, Connacht, Ulster, the Britons, Picts, Saxons, and Morini of Gaul. The center of hs government was at Tara. There is a legend that on one of his ventures into Gaul, he captured a young boy. The boy eventually escaped, but returned to Ireland as St. Patrick. Reportedly he had fair skin, hair the color of yellow primrose, and deep, blue-gray eyes. He was killed in his sleep while aboard his royal galley. MAC EOCHAID, Niall (Nial of the Nine Hostages - also known as St. Peter) (I6581)
2712 King John gave Thomas the manors of Wellington and Shawbury, Salop on Nov 3, 1212 and officially acknowledged lands which Thomas had acquired at Montgomery with the manor of Badmondisfield, Suffolk from Stephen de Stanton and Robert his soan 18 1214/5. DE ERDINGTON, Thomas (I9103)
2713 King of Scots is synonymous with King of Dalraida. (F-599) KING OF SCOTS, Aedh Find "The White Of Argyll" (I16355)
2714 Known as Baron of Audley and Lord Audley, he was slain at Blose Heath. (C-437, p. 583, 1357) TOUCHET, Sir James (I12474)
2715 Known as Lord of Hutton (Conyers), and Yorks, he was viable in 1326. (F-511) He acquired his vast estate of Conyers when he married Joan Conyers, co-heir of Robert Conyers and kept his manor at Hutton that was the chief seat of Mallorydants lived into the 16th century. MALLORY, Sir Christopher (I14129)
2716 Known as Lord of Tachebrook, Mallory, Botley and Peckleton, he was living in 1293. His coat of arms was a lion ramp. Gules, double queed. All of his siblings have the same estimated birth date as him in UA CD-100. (F-511, 599) MALLORY, Sir William (I16783)
2717 Known as Muircheartach of the Leather Coats and Hector of the Western World. He was recognized by his distinctive long yellow hair. The nickname was associated with a leather jacket he invented that served as armor for his warriors. Muircheatach turned the tide of Viking invaders extending the defense of Ireland into Viking territory in Scotland. He died in battle against Blacar (King of Dublin), having spent his entire adult life in combat. MAC NIALL, Muircheartach (I6577)
2718 Known as St. Lievin, Bishop of Treves, he held this title from 685-704. The Abbe Chaume states he is the father of Rotrou but offers no support. (C-1440) BISHOP OF TREVES, Leutwinus (I16465)
2719 Known as the Parricide, he was murdered in 509 by agents of his relative, Clovis I, King of Franks. (C-1440) Cloderic Cloderic King Of Cologne (I16673)
2720 Known as the Priest King, he established the city of Bassanburg. He had son Clodomir with a Norwegian Princess. My source does not tell if they were married. (C-1346) MAGNUS, Bassanus King Of Sicambri (I16605)
2721 Known as the Sire de Chambrais, he was a part of William Norman's conquests for which he obtained large land holdings in mid-England. His main home was at Tutbury Castle in Staffordshire, England. (F-520) DE FERRIERES, Henry (I14385)
2722 Krissie as she was called in a 1908 reunion transcription was widowed early in life. She reared three children on her own and moved to Ohio in the process. Although most sources list William as her husband, her daughter Mary Hank's 2nd me to John Abbot list her parent's as T. and K. Hanks. (C-759, 945, 2034) WRIGHT, Keziah (Kerial) (I13098)
2723 Lady Cecily had 13 children with her husband, Richard Plantagenet. She lived alone for the last 10 years of her life according to "Wikipedia" online. Her husband and 3 sons had died in the War of the Roses. She was known for her premper and piety. She was called the "Rose of Raby" because she was born in Raby Castle. Parts of her will were forwarded as follows by my Uncle Richard Coate from the Tudor Place homepage.

Cecily Neville's final will - made on 31 May 1495 and proved on 27 Aug 1495 at Lambeth says: "...Also I give and bequeath to the kings noble grace all such money as is owing to me of the customs, and two cups of gold. Also I give and bequeath to the queen a cross crosslet of diamonds, a salter with clasps of silver and gilt enamelled, covered with green clothe of gold, and a pyx with the flesh of St Christopher. Also I bequeath to my lady the king's mother a portuos with clasps of gold covered with black cloth of gold. Also I give to my lord prince a bed of arras of the wheel of fortune and tester of the same, a counterpoint of arras and a tappet of arras with the Pope. Also I give to my lord Henry, duke of York three tappets of arras, one of them of the life of St John Baptist another of Mary Magdalene and the third of the passion of our Lord and Saint George..." Cecily gives gifts to Fotheringhay College, the college at Stoke Clare, the nunnery at Syon and her granddaughters (the children of Edward IV) as well as bequests to the de la Pole family (John de la Pole, 2nd Duke of Suffolk, having married her daughter Elizabeth): "...Also I give to my daughter of Suffolk the chair with the covering, all the cushions, horses and harness belonging to the same and all my palfreys. Also I give to my son of Suffolk a clothe of estate and 3 cushions of purple damask clothe of gold.Also I give to my son Humphrey two alter clothes of blue damask embroidered and a vestment of crimson satin for Jesus' masse. Also I give to my son William a traves of white sarcenet, two beds of down and two bolsters of the same. Also I give to my daughter Anne, prioress of Sion, a book of Bonaventure and Hilton in the same in English and a book of the Revelations of Saint Bridget..." 
NEVILLE, Cecily Duchess Of York (I13539)
2724 Lady Eleanor is the great granddaughter of King Henry II and Eleanor of Provence, his Queen. She was the second wife of Richard Fitz Alan II. She is also known as Lady Eleanor Plantagenet. (C-437, p.582-3) DE LANCASTER PLANTAGENET, Lady Eleanor (I7606)
2725 Lady Godiva was displeased with her husbands heavy taxing of his peoples. He finally made her a deal, that if she rode through the town naked, he would lower the taxes. She sent notices to the towns people of her intent to warn them to cheir shutters on the designated day. Peeping Tom, a tailor, got his nickname from the fact that he did not avert his eyes when she rode through clad only in her long hair. Her husband did honor his wager, a fact often lost in Lady "Godiva's" infamy. (C-484) OF MERCIA, Odiva "Lady Godiva" (I7838)
2726 Land Records in Land Book 26, pg. 172, in Richmond, VA. state that Andrew McCombe came to America with a grant from King George II in Augusta Co., VA. King George reigned from 1727-1760, this being the time period in which Andrew McCombd have come to the colonies.

His will as transcribed by a descendant is as follows. "Will of Andrew McComb dated 15March 1788. Transcribed exactly as written by Margaret Elizabeth Young Phillips, his 6th great granddaughter on 15 March 2000: Andrew McComb of the parish and County of August being now under bodily affliction but perfect in mind and memory thanks to almighty God who gave it and calling to mend the uncertainty of Life and the certainity of Death it being appointed for all men one to Die and after Death the judgment I do herby make this my Last will and testament in maner and from following and first I Recommend my Soul to God who gave it and Body to the Earth from Whence it was taken to Buried in a Christian Like and Decent maner at the discereshen of my Executors hereafter named and as for what wordly goods it hath pleased God to Bestow upon me in this Life it is my will and desire it be disposed of as follows and first I Leave and Bequeath to my Beloved wife Jane the whole of the profites arising of the Plantation to gether with the Benifits of the Negro to be for her own use together with as mutch of the Stock as She thinks proper to Keep During her ____Life and after her Deceas I allow my son William McComb to get the fortune to Be for him and his heirs for Ever providing he pay to his sister Barbara Curry the sum of ten pounds in property shortly after he receives Said negro as for what moveable property She Doth not See proper to Keep to be Sold at publik auction. Shortly after my Deceas and to be Equally divided Between five of my Children Agness Reburn, Mary Young, Jean Curry Deceased I alow her three daughters to Receve theer Mothers part~Sarah Gardner, Martha Dickey Likewise and as for my Real Estate to wit my lands, I Leave and bequeath unto my son in law formerly Robert Curry that part of my Plantation he now Lives on that he purchased from my Son William Computed to Be one hundred and thirty acres to be for him and his heirs or asigns for Ever with twenty trees of my orchard to Bestruck of that side next to his own Land and the Plantation that I live on I alow to be sold By my Executor at my wife's decea and I do hereby this my Last will and testament impower them one of them make a clear title for said plantation to the person or persons purchasing the same the one half of the price to fall in the hands of Robert Curry to Bee Equally Devided among all his children nowin. Being that he had by my Daughter Elizabeth namely Andrew, Margret, Jean, William, Mary Robert, Elizabeth, Agness and the other half of the price of the Said plantation I alow to be Equally Divided among all my daughters allowing it in Barbara her part the ten pound Before mentioned she is to receive from her Brother William McComb their names are Agness Reburn, Mary Young, Jean Curry Deceased and her three daughters to receive their mothers part as Before Described Sarah Gardner, Barbara Curry, Martha Dickey and I do hereby nominate and apoint my truly and Beloved wife and sons, James Young and Robert Curry Executors of this my Last will and testament and I do hereby Revoke and Disanull and disalow of all wills heretofore made whether by word or wrighting, aproving Qualifing and Confirming this onley as my last will and testament and in witness whereof I have here unto fit my hand and seal this fifteenth day of March the year one thousand, seven hundred and Eighty Eight Signed Sealed Andrew McComb Seal in presents of Samuel McKee George Glenn, David Gibson --------------------

----- --------------- At a Court held for Augusta County June 17, 1788 This last will and Testament for Andrew McComb Deceased was presented in court by James Young and Robert Curry two of the Executors therein named and proved by the oaths of Samuel McKee, George Glenn & David Gibson witnesses thereto am is order to be Recorded and on the motion of the Said Executors who made oath according to Law certificate is granted them for obtaining probate thereof in Due from they having entered into Bond with security, according to Law & Jane McCom the executrix named in the said will having certified under her hand attested by two witnesses that she will not to be upon herself any part of the Execution of the Said Will which also ordered to be recorded. Teste ______________

-------------------------------------------------To The Worshipfull Court of Agusta County Gentlemen it appears to me that I am unable to attend by the failty of human nature it Being mutch impaired in order to administer to the Estate of my Late Deceased husband it appears best to me to decline and Leave the business wholly to the two Exthrs mentioned in the will as the Evidences here named Can Certify as witness to my hand this fourteenth Day of April the year one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty-Eight.her Jane X McCombmark George Glenn David Gibson This relinquishment was proved by the oaths of the witnesses thereto and is ordered to be Recorded. Teste ____________" (CL-511E) 
MCCOMBE, Andrew (I7800)
2727 Landed Estate Records, The National Archives of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland. Source (S3096)
2728 Layton is listed as the child of Wm. Jr. and Elizabeth in Medlin's Quaker Records instead of the son of Mary. (C-265) He is listed 8th in his father's will. Layton, wife and family of six children were issued certificates of removal frh River and Cane Creek on 9/25/1802 to the Westland MM in Washington Co., Pennsylvania. Even though their destination was Ohio, that Pennsyvania MM was the closest one to file their certificates with at the time. (C-1297)

They came to Ohio from South Carolina by way of Tenn. and KY. They crossed the Ohio River at Cincinnati on a flat boat with the horses tied behind it. They leased land in Chester Twp., Clinton Co., Ohio to begin with and then moved to Miami Co., Ohio in 1809. (C-800) He and his family were supposedly the first Jay's to move to Ohio. His wife's family moved with them. Their land patent was signed by George Washington and was still in existence in 1951 in the possession of Cassius Milton Jay. However, his children are rumored to have disposed of all of his records after his death. (C-813)

He is said to have married a White after his first wife's death. In his will dated 1812, he names William Jay (son?) and Benjamin Coppock his executors. (C-864, 1950) Some accounts say he died of drowning, but one Jay researcher, R. Harry Jay, believes that his will made in proximity to his death indicates otherwise. There is also an account that he died of "Milk disease." (C-1079) 
JAY, Layton (I13101)
2729 Legend has it that Wessonsuoum married his sister. The "founder" of their tribe could not find anyone good enough to marry either of them, so he had them marry each other. Wessonsuoum (I10744)
2730 Lenna, like her father, also went to college. Her obituary in the Journal Hearld, Dayton, Ohio is as follows: "Services for Mrs. Lenna C. Cress of 120 Five Oaks Avenue will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Roy H. Miller funeral home, Weton. Burial will be in Riverside Cemetery, West Milton. Friends may call at the funeral home from 5 to 9 p.m. today. Mrs. Cress died Saturday at her residence. A native of Miami county, she was employed as a secretary at the Wagner-Smith company 26 years. Surviving are her husband, Walter, and three sisters, Mrs. Grace Wilson of Akron, Mrs. Margaret Fuller of Nashville, N.C. and Mrs. Mamie Mckinley of Piqua." (C-2586) In the 1930 census for Dayton, Ohio it lists that she was employed as a book keeper for an Electrical Engineering firm. This were most unusual patterns for the time. COATE, Lenna Lorretta (I11973)
2731 Leo was a carpenter according to his grand nephew. He is listed as a Woodcarver on his marriage application. (F:DOC) ZOLLER, Leo (I11664)
2732 Leonard and his wife were early settlers of West Branch MM in Ohio. According to Diller in GAB, Vol 16, Issue 1, July 1986, he did not marry Elizabeth Mast until 1832 (a year after her death in other sources). (C-2179d, 2251e) ELLER, Leonard (I15852)
2733 Levenia was age 30 in the 1850 census for Lauderdale Co., MS. COATS, Levinia (I7851)
2734 Levi is highly likely to be the Levi married to Sally (nickname for Sarah) in the 1850 census for Gilmore Co., WV. They are both of the correct age and they are living very near another Nutter family of the right age to be Levi's parents. They are James and Nelly Nutter, ages 45 and 40 respectively. They have a large family with the names of Mary, William, James, Jacob, Abnera?, Martha and Melissa, ages 19-5 respectively. Levi and Sarah could not read nor write according to the 1870 census. Daughters Nancy and Rosana could read but not write.

There is a Levi Nutter living in Ritchie Co., Virginia in the 1850 census that has a large family of children born every couple years. Two of his sons are named Levi with different initials in the middle. He is also of the right age to have been this Levi's father. 
NUTTER, Levi (I40)
2735 Levi was a Quaker minister, farmer, and potter. He is listed as the son of Samuel E. Coates of Caln Twp, PA and Abigail, deceased when he marries Ann Smith after his first wife died. His place of residence is listed as Londonderry Twp.,ter Co., PA when he marries Ann. He had at least one more child with her named Ellen S. Coates. They are listed as the closest relatives and first on the list in the relatives column when his brother Warwick marries at an elderly age in 1846 to Hannah Darlington. (C-1612, E) COATES, Levi (I14720)
2736 Lewis and Mary attended the 1859 family reunion with 3 children, one member was deceased. COATS, Lewis F (I5546)
2737 Lewis moved to Jackson Co, Missouri. (C-748) UNDERWOOD, Lewis (I14601)
2738 Lewis was a "Gent., Sergeant Falconer to King Charles I" according to research by Dean Cole. LATHAM, Lewis (I6865)
2739 Lewis was an officer in the the household of Queen Elizabeth I. They were probably of Saxon descent. The family was established in St. Stephans Parish, Co. Kent, England with an estate of considerable size. They had the right to display af Arms. The records of St. Stephans Parish and Co. Kent need to be checked for improved knowledge on this line. (C-650) The two sources I have so far on this Stockett line greatly differ in birth and death dates. The genealogy by Frank Stockett gives his birth date as 1558 and death as 1603. (C-650) STOCKETT, Sir Lewis (I13039)
2740 Lewis was given 547 acres of "Middleton Plantation" by the year 1700 from his step-mother who had been Mary Duvall before remarriage. It was put under the care of John Hyde, Merchant of Annapolis in 1708 when Lewis apparently moved oute province.

He appears to have sold or released the following properties in Anne Arundel Co., MD: "Duvall's Pasture" of 62 acres on Jun 10, 1706; "Middle Plantation" of 844 acres in 1708 and Versaill of 200 acres on May 10, 1709. 
DUVALL, Lewis (I5303)
2741 Library and Archives Canada. Census of Canada, 1891. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Library and Archives Canada, 2009. Series RG31-C-1. Statistics Canada Fonds. Microfilm reels: T-6290 to T-6427. Source (S3179)
2742 Library and Archives Canada. Census of Canada, 1911. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Library and Archives Canada, 2007. Series RG31-C-1. Statistics Canada Fonds. Microfilm reels T-20326 to T-20460.

Images are reproduced with the permission of Library and Archives Canada. 
Source (S3181)
2743 Lidy Hasket attended as a guest the wedding of Zimri Gaunt and Sarah Cook in 1785. ELLIOT, Lyddia (I15906)
2744 Like all the records in the original Somerset books, Jan and Feb. dates were of the old calendar and actually took place a year later when converted to our calendar. This Ann is an example. Her Feb. 1720 birthdate actually took place ineb. 1721 calendar. I've used the converted dating system in my Somerset entries. COATE, Ann (I2891)
2745 Like his father and ancestors, his title was Lord of Groby. (F-520) FERRERS, Henry (I13304)
2746 Like his father, he too was a Magna Charta Surety and an Earl of Gloucester (the 7th). (C-333b, 2294) DE CLARE, Sir Gilbert (I7684)
2747 Like his father, he was the Magnus Maximus. (C-788) AP MACSEN WLEDIG, Unknown (I16645)
2748 Likely relatives of Frances are Abraham Potter who sold 50 acres to a Jn. Stewart in Sussex, Delaware in 1724. He was the son of Abraham Sr. Potter whose mother, Jane, named him in her will dated 1703 and probated in 1704. Jane also namend, Frances Gum in her will so this tells us Frances is not the daughter of Abraham and Jane, but could still be a relative. There is a James Potter who purchased land from Robert Porter that was located on the west side of Delaware bay and on the North side of Little Bush in Sussex, Delaware on May 9, 1702. Both Robert Porter and James Potter were of Kent, Province of Pennsylvania at the time that could be Frances' father or brother also. POTTER, Frances (I10067)
2749 Linda Mondy gives his birth place as Chester Co., Pennsylvania. Vickie Leimback gives his death place as Surry Co., North Carolina. A complaint was filed against a James Vestal on Dec. 1, 1751 in Cane Creek MM, for marrying out of meey a Justice of the peace and for taking strong drink. It likely refers to this James. He was living in Chatham Co., NC in 1753. He was in the tax payer lists in 1755 in Orange Co., North Carolina. He married three times. He married his third wife the same day as his son Thomas married Ann Martin in a double ring ceremony. (C-801) VESTAL, James (I12079)
2750 Lindley was a farmer by trade. COATES, Lindley (I7846)

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