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 #   Notes   Linked to 
3201 Sarah is not listed by name in her father's will as it is believed that she died before he made his will. James Fort in his extensive research on this family, however, concludes that she was his daughter also. COATS, Sarah (I8892)
3202 Sarah was a widow when she married Alexander Underwood. (C-636) BEALS, Sarah Boatwater (I13153)
3203 Sarah's father was Thomas Wright who died in Randolph Co., IN in 1835 and was born in Newberry SC in the 1760's. He and his wife are verified as the parents of Sarah Wright in her marriage certificate to John Coats. She, however, is listed as being born in North Carolina in her son William's 1880 census record, but in South Carolina in several other of her children's 1880 census records.

She is often confused with a likely relative Sarah Wright who also married a John Coate/s and was the daughter of Nathan Wright and a Sarah Jay. John Coate/s is also confused because of this. 
WRIGHT, Sarah "Sally" (I14986)
3204 Sarah's name appears to be something like Sarepha in some of the deed sales her husband made. (CL-530) PLEASANTS, Sarah Ann Ebbert (I12121)
3205 Sarah, her husband and family lived near Greenville, Ohio They were probably one of the James Brown families living in Bethel Twp., Concord or Washington Twp. in, Miami Co., OH in the 1827 tax lists. COATE, Sarah (I8019)
3206 Schmuhl gives his name as Donovd. He died in battle. KING OF SCOTS, Eochaidh Buidhe Macaidan (I16396)
3207 Schmuhl lists him as Diluglie. (C-332) KING OF CIMMERIANS, Dilulius I (I16566)
3208 Schmuhl says he reigned or lived from 1015-1034 A.D. (C-DOC)
KING OF SCOTLAND, Malcolm II (I16476)
3209 Schmuhl says his name is Eugene V and that he died in 1721. His title was also King of Dalraida. KING OF SCOTS, Eochaidh III Macechdach (I16359)
3210 Schmuhl says his name was Dangovd and gives his death date as 688. (C-DOC) He died in battle. (C-2031) He also had the title King of Dalriada. (F-599) KING OF SCOTS, Domnall Brecc "The Speckled" (I16391)
3211 Schmuhl spells his name Diluglio. (C-332) KING OF CIMMERIANS, Dilulius II (I7709)
3212 Schmuhl spells his name Genger. (C-332) Zenter (I16697)
3213 Schmul lists an extra generation in here named Caron with his reign as 513 to 535, his father as Dagart, (which I assume is the Domangart listed in Tompsett's work) and his grandfather as Fergus. (C-332, 2031) KING OF, Domangart Macfergusso Of Dalriada 'Reti' (I7720)
3214 search
"William d'Aubigny, 2nd Earl of Arundel (b. [1138-1150], d. 24 December 1193), also called William de Albini III,[1] was the son of William d'Aubigny, 1st Earl of Arundel and Adeliza of Louvain, widow of Henry I of England.[2]
He married Maud de St. Hilary and among their children was William d'Aubigny, 3rd Earl of Arundel. The Duke of Norfolk's Archives Assistant Librarian Sara Rodger wrote that William "did have three sons, William who succeeded him as Earl in 1196, and Alan and Geoffrey, of whom we know nothing." His daughter, Matilda d'Aubigny, married William de Warenne, 5th Earl of Surrey. In 1176/7 he was created Earl of Sussex and in 1190 he inherited the earldom of Arundel. He is buried at Wymondham Abbey, Norfolk, England.[3]"
Source: Wikipedia article on William d'Aubigny, 2nd Earl of Arundel: Jan 2, 2019 
D'AUBIGNY, William 2nd Earl Of Arundel (I7649)
3215 Second Census of the United States, 1800. NARA microfilm publication M32 (52 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Second Census of the United States, 1800: Population Schedules, Washington County, Territory Northwest of the River Ohio; and Population Census, 1803: Washington County, Ohio. NARA microfilm publication M1804 (1 roll).

Source (S832)
3216 See attached sources. STEVENS, Thomas Edward (I7643)
3217 See attached sources. COATE, Joseph P. (I1273)
3218 See attached sources. OF BURGUNDY, Margaret (I1940)
3219 See attached sources. COMBSTOCKE, Elizabeth (I6596)
3220 See attached sources. COATE, Charles (I6746)
3221 See attached sources. COATE, Rhoda (I17295)
3222 See attached sources. COATE, Rachell (I14375)
3223 See attached sources. COATE, Hannah (I14399)
3224 See attached sources. COATES, Samuel E. (I14777)
3225 See attached sources. COATS, Mary (I7926)
3226 See attached sources. Unknown (I9219)
3227 See attached sources. BROOKS, Agatha (I9310)
3228 See attached sources. DANNER, William Baxter (I9643)
3229 See newspaper information provided with each entry. Source (S297)
3230 See newspaper information provided with each entry. Source (S2147)
3231 See newspaper information provided with each entry. Source (S3071)
3232 See newspaper information provided with each entry. Source (S3117)
3233 See newspaper information provided with each entry. Source (S3160)
3234 See newspaper information provided with each entry. Source (S156)
3235 See newspaper information provided with each entry. Source (S171)
3236 See newspaper information provided with each entry. Source (S177)
3237 See newspaper information provided with each entry. Source (S197)
3238 See newspaper information provided with each entry. Source (S2750)
3239 See source information provided with each entry. Source (S152)
3240 See source information provided with each entry. Source (S2073)
3241 Seventh Census of the United States, 1850; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M432, 1009 rolls); Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29; National Archives, Washington, D.C. Source (S62)
3242 Several sites give he and his wife's christening/birth dates on the same day in towns that were 135 miles apart though this believed to be an error in transcription along the way. His wife's birthdate is not known. It has been proven that Major-General Denison, a close friend of Thomas, who was mentioned in Thomas' will, emigrated from Bishop's-Stratford. Thomas Emerson was probabably born in Sedsfield Parish, Durham, England. He was baptized at Bishop's-Stratford, England, July 26, 1584 and was married July 1, 1611 in that parish to Elizabeth Brewster. Their children were recorded in St. Michael's Church at Bishop's Stratford as: Robert, Benjamin, Ralph, James, Joseph, Elizabeth, John, Thomas, Nathaniel and Susan. According to the church warden's book of St. Michael's, he is recorded as a collector for the poor in 1636. He was at Ipswich, Massachusetts, as early as 1638, when 80 acres of land was granted to him. English records indicate the family was non-conformist. EMERSON, Thomas (I177)
3243 Shared by michaelgbarr525 on Ancestry: "3Memorial 267921, volume 404, page 258, image 141.
Deed dated: 3 Nov 1772. Deed registered: 16 Apr 1789.

Margin: Colhoun to Colhoun & an[other]. Reg[istere]d 16 april 1789 at 11 in forenoon.

Header: To the Register appointed by act of Parliament for Regist[rin]g Deeds, Wills etc.

A Memorial of Indented articles of agreement bearing date the third day of November one thousand seven hundred and Seventy two and made between the Rev[eren]d Alex[ande]r Colhoun of Six mile Cross in the County of Tyrone, Clerke & Cha[rle]s Colhoun, Gent[leman], Younger son of the said Alexander Colhoun of the first part; James Anderson of Six mile Cross aforesaid, Gentleman, for and on behalf of Mary Anderson, a Minor under the age of Twenty one years, Dau[ghte]r and only child of the said James Anderson [of the second part;] and Alexander Colhoun of Omagh, Esq[uire], and the Rev[eren]d Math[e]w Galbraith of Thilletter, Cl[er]ke, both in the County of Tyrone of the third part; Reciting that a marriage was then Shortly Intended to be had between the said Charles Colhoun and Mary Anderson and further Reciting as therein is Recited which s[ai]d articles Witnessed that in Consid[eratio]n of a marriage portion of Two hundred pounds ster[ling] paid or secured to be paid by said James Anderson he the said Cha[rle]s Colhoun with said Mary Anderson, his Intended wife, and in order to procure a Competint provision for Said Mary in Case She Should Survive her Intended husband they the said Alexander Colhoun, the Elder and Charles Colhoun did Grant Bargain and Sell unto the said Alexander Colhoun, the Younger and Math[e]w Galbraith All That and those the House and Office Houses in the Town of Strabane then Last in the pos[ses]sion of Charles Kinkead, Merchant, the House and Tenem[en]t in the said Town of Strabane in the pos[ses]sion of John Stewart Hamilton, Esq[uire], from and Immediately after the Decease of Judith Gordon, Widow, that House and Tenem[en]t in the Town of Enniskillen then in the pos[ses]sion of John Ball, Distiller, and also the House Tenem[en]t and presm[is]es in the Town of Six mile Cross then in the pos[ses]sion of the said Alex[ande]r Colhoun, the Elder, with all and singular the Appur[tenan]ces thereunto belonging To hold unto the said Alexander Colhoun, the Younger, and Mathew Galbraith and the Surviv[o]rs and Survivor of them and the Heirs, Exe[cuto]rs and Adm[inistrato]rs of such Survivor forever to the uses, Trusts, intents and purposes therein par[ticu]larly ment[ione]d and no other and by which said Deed of which this is a Memorial the said Alexander Colhoun, the Elder, and James Anderson for themselves and Each them did Severlly Covenant, promise and agree to and with [End of page 258 and the beginning of page 259]

The said Charles Colhoun, his Heirs, Executors and Adm[inistrato]rs that all such fortune and Estate real or personal as the said Alex[ande]r Colhoun, the Elder, and Ja[me]s Anderson Should thereafter be possed of Should after the Decease of them the said Alex[ande]r Colhoun the Elder and James Anderson and their Respective Wivees Marg[re]t Colhoun and Sophia Anderson, Descend to the said Cha[rle]s Colhoun and Mary, his Intended wife, and the issue between them to be begotten which said Deed is witnessed by Francis Johnston of Cooly and James Rouse of Omagh both in the County of Tyrone and this Memorial is witnessed by the said James Rouse and Elizabeth Rouse, his wife, this tenth day of april one thousand seven hundred and Eighty nine Cha[rle]s Colhoun (seal).

Signed and Sealed in presence of James Rousse, Eliz[abeth] Rousse. The above named Ja[me]s Rousse maketh Oath that he was present and saw the Deed of which the above writing is a Memorial duly Executed by the said Alexander Colhoun, the Edw[ard] Cha[rle]s Colhoun and James Anderson and also saw the above Memorial duly Executed by the above named Cha[rle]s Colhoun and Dep[onen]t sayth he is a Sub[scribin]g witness to said Deed and Mem[oria]l and that the Name James Rousse Severally Signed to said Deed and Memorial is this Dep[onen]ts proper name and handwriting. James Rousse sworn before me at Strabane in the County of Tyrone the 11 day of April 1789 by virtue of a Comm[issio]n to me Directed out of his Ma[jes]ties Court of Kings Bench in Ireland for taking aff[idavi]ts in said County and I know the Deponant. Edward Lynch."
COLHOUN, Captain Charles (Listred as son of Alexander in a deed record shortly proceeding his marriage to Mary Anderson) (I2719)
3244 She actually was the one to introduce Maude Stevens to Albert Pickering Coate who married and became my grandparents. She and her husband and son were living with her parents in the 1920 census records. She went by the name of Mary H.e 1930 census and by Helen in the 1920 census. LEE, Helen (I7822)
3245 She also attended Nehemiah Underwood's marriage in 1773. Her husband was a 1st cousin to Nehemiah. LEWIS, Rebecca (I14597)
3246 She also went by the names Bertha and Bertie. (C-1346) COUNTESS OF LAON, Bertrada "Broadfoot" (I12796)
3247 She and Grances were twins. She died unmarried. (F-608) FORTE, Sophia Jane (I1141)
3248 She and her brother David were administrators for her husband's estate in 1813. She's in a land settlement for land given to David John's children nearly 35 years previously in 1848. JOHN, Rachel (I8583)
3249 She and her brother Philip were not named in the will of one of her father's best friends, Richard Hall, who gave livestock to every living child of Matthew Howard in his will in 1648. Therefore, it is likely that she and Philip had not yn born. HOWARD, Mary (I5662)
3250 She and her husband appear to have died previous to two 1810 deeds for heirs of John Coate. COATE, Mary (Polly) (I13774)

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