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3301 She did not marry. LEHMAN, Lovina (I1026)
3302 She died after her husband's will in 1718 and taxes in 1719 and probably before 1733 when she didn't pay any taxes. Her surname is sometimes listed as Smith but there is no proof for this. (C-575) SMITH, Frances (I12926)
3303 She died at a relatively young age of 57 due to injuries from an accidental fall in her home. JAMES, Grizelda (I11769)
3304 She died at age 11 and 3 days of complications from scarlet fever. Sections of her obituary state "A little bud on earth has gone to bloom in heaven. This time our little friend Madge Macomber has left us while in the morning of life....hing was done to relieve her suffering, which she bore without a murmur or complaint. On Saturday she called her loved ones to her and said, 'Jesus take me as I am. I hate to leave you all but I see Jesus and his angels, its all over, my way is clear,' she bade each one good bye, and told them to meet her in heaven...Six of her little friends assumed the duty as pall bearers." (CL-DOC) MACUMBER, Madge (I1586)
3305 She died at age 18 of cancer. Her death is still remembered with great sadness by her family. She was the daughter of a gangster and Aurelia. Her mother, Aurelia, was a favorite of the family. (F-61) MCGUSHION, Jane Ann (I617)
3306 She died at only the age of 12 weeks. PHILLIPS, Ann (I1824)
3307 She died at under age 30 leaving a small son. JONES, Mary (I9277)
3308 She died from complications are giving birth to her 6th or 7th child a week after the birth at age 35. I think she and her husband owned a farm in Port Allegany. (D-57, 152) According to the 1920 cneus for Bradford, Pennsylvania, she andrents were all born in Cartva, Hungary. Her native language was Slovish and her husband's was Italian. They lived next door to her parents. Her parents address lists Mike as being born in Copenza, Hungary and his wife as in Cartva, Hungary. KUTCHMIRE, Anna (I11747)
3309 She died in 1764 according to Judge Duvall, shortly after she and her son, Samuel, deeded property to her son-in-law, Edward Crow on Nov. 21, 1764. DUVALL, Sarah (I5279)
3310 She died in her 90's of old age. Her name was listed as Effa in the 1900 census and Effie in the 1910 and 1920 census. However, it could be that the 2 s's looked like to f 's in the way they spelled double s's at the time. In the 1920 census, Essee Nutter was living with her sister, Eva's family. NUTTER, Effee (I33)
3311 She died in Mason or Madison Co., TN. (C-2383) Her name is listed as Mary Coppock or Mary Johnson depending upon which 2nd hand source is used. COPPOCK, Mary (I14099)
3312 She died in Massachusetts but was buried back at home in England. EASTWICKE, Eleanor (I15170)
3313 She died Nov. 28th, 1638, ten days after her son Samuel was born probably from complications with childbirth.

Her parentage and surname have not been proven through first hand records as is true with much of this line from Mary's husband Samuel Ward back in time. So far I've only found her possible father's birthdate and none of the Wards at

That is highly unusual and puts this lineage as theory only, particularly when this is a family with money. 
HILLIARD, Mary (I10533)
3314 She died of cancer under the care of my Aunt Maude in her home on Lake Sinclair. EVANS, Ivy (I11755)
3315 She died of consumption. JOHNSON, Dionesia (I4894)
3316 She died of Tuberculosis like her brother Levi. She is not in the 1850 census records as living with her family. COPPOC, Maria (I923)
3317 She died of tuberculosis. She had 3 children by her first husband who all died young. She and George Coats did not have any children. BRANDON, Gabriella (I10728)
3318 She died of Typhoid Fever. HOLLINGSWORTH, Keziah (I14910)
3319 She died of weakness at age "2" months (nearly 3 months) according to the Byzantine church records. DUDIK, Anna (I2169)
3320 She died unmarried in Adams Co., Ohio. (C-748) UNDERWOOD, Mary (I834)
3321 She died unmarried. WRIGHT, Grace (I3308)
3322 She died unmarried. TURNER, Ann (I17278)
3323 She died young before her father made his will. COATE, Sarah (I1423)
3324 She died young. BAUMGARDNER, Martha (I1713)
3325 She died young. DUVALL, Betsy (I1964)
3326 She died young. (C-748) DOWNING, Alvina (I998)
3327 She died young. (C-256) WILLSON, Margaret (I283)
3328 She died young. (C-405) CHATTERTON, Mary (I199)
3329 She died young. (C-405) CHATTERTON, Hannah (I286)
3330 She either was born or died in Tennessee. (C-1599) EVANS, Isabel Clampett (I14494)
3331 She emigrated with her brother, Julius, arriving in April of 1889 at age 14. She was the godmother to her brother's daughter, Therese Rosa, in 1897 when Therese was baptized. She is listed as a nurse in the 1900 U.S. census records and wediatric nurse according to a gr.grandnephew. In the 1920 census, she was working as a nurse for a child in the private home of the Charles Bobrow family. According to it, she emmigrated in 1889 and was naturalized. She went to work there when her husband died. Her son was raised till he was six by her sister, Regina, at which time he was then raised by his Aunt Katie Link's family. (D-72, EL) LINK, Rosa (I11677)
3332 She emmigrated with her husband, Robert Peck, under her married name in 1638 arriving at Boston, Mass. LAWRENCE, Anne (I15139)
3333 She first married what has been stated to be her first cousin, Isaac Dubois (which is no longer valid), then a Mr. Stratton and then William Coate (the brickmaker). She had children with her other husbands. William died in 1749. No children of Rachel and William Coates were named in her will.

Recorded Will book P, p.408. Her will is transcribed by me as follows: In the Name of God amen the Sixth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty nine I Rachel Coats Widow of William Coats late of the Northern Liberties deceased being very sick weak in body but and of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God for the same and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all women ( ) to die do make and ordain this my last Will and Testatment, that is to say, Principally and first of all I give and recommend my Sole into the hands of God that gave it and ( ) Body recommend it to the Earth to be buried in tha Christian like and decent manner at the direction of my Executors Impr( ) I do order that in the first place (mony) Just debts and funeral charges be paid and satisfied. And (reaching) much ( ) ( ) Estate wherewith it ( ) pleased God to Bless me in this life I give devise and disperse of the Same ( ) and (f ) following: That is today, In the (f ) I give and bequethed to my dearly beloved Grandson Theobald Ent along right ( ) and property of what I have at or near mount hally, but in case the aforsaid Theobald Ent doth not live to the age of one and twenty years and die without heirs then the above right and property shall come to my dearly beloved grand daughter Rachel Sahler and likewise all my household goods and furniture as bed bedding furniture and every other Individual thing or article Its my wish that after my decease my dearly beloved Grandson Joseph Hopewell shall have the sum of twenty pounds ( ) lawful money of (p ) as to be paid to him out of my estate and likewise my dearly beloved Granddaughter Sarah Miller to have the like sum of twenty pounds paid to her after all my just debts and charges be paid and in each there should not be left so much not to pay them or either of them their twenty pounds then to pay them both share alike of what there be left and I do hereby make and ordain my loving friend and Son in Law Abraham Sahler my sole executor of this my last Will and Testament ratifying and allowing this and no other to being last Will and Testament In Witness where of I have here unto set my Hand and Seal the day and year above written Rachel Coats in her last Will and Testament in the presence of Johannes G(rofs) Frederick ( ). Philadelphia May 14th 1773, Personally appeared Johannes Gross, Frederick Hesser (Shittlinesen) to the forgoing Will and on Oath did declare that they saw and heard Rachel Coats the Testatrix therein named Sign Seal and publish and declare the same Will found as her last Will and Testatment and that at the Execution thereof she was of Sound diposing Mind Memory and understanding to the best of their knowldege and Belief ( )Benjamin ( ) Reg. Genl. Be it remembered that on the 14th Day of May 1773 The last Will and Tesament of Rachel Coates deceased in du form of law was proved and probate and Letters Testimentary thereof are granted To Abraham Sahler Sole Executor in the said Will named being first duty sworn well and truly to Administer the said deeds Estate and being ( ) there of into the Register Generals Office at Philadelphia ( ) before the 14th day of June next, and ( tive) amount of these Admistration on or before the 15th day of May 1774 or when the( ) Legally required, Given (recorder) the Seal of the said Office .... of Benjamin (Chew) Reg. Genl. (C-2384) 
DUBOIS, Rachel (I5406)
3334 She follows her husband's name as a witness to the marriage of their daughter, Jane in 1769 to Joseph Coppock in Little Britain MM, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. (C-1302) COOKE, Ruth (I15873)
3335 She gave birth to the first white child born north of Dayton, Ohio. (C-670) MAST, Obedience "Bidy" (I13141)
3336 She gave land to her grand-daughter, Sally Long in an 1811 deed in Newberry District, SC in which she lists her as her loving granddaughter, daughter of Benjamin Long. She also sadly deeded infant slaves to her daughter Sally Long and tof her grandchildren in 1804, Benjamin Franklin Long. I am assuming that Sally was a nickname for Priscilla Long, wife of Benjamin Long. UNKNOWN, Elizabeth (I5321)
3337 She graduated from Westmont High School in 1937. Betty took free training classes at Penn State that enabled her to worke as an inspector for the ordinance section of the Navy Dept. at the Conshohocken plant in Norristown, PA during Wor II. She literally had to live away from her husband to join in the service. They had expected her husband to be drafted at the time and this gave her a way to help her country and earn $35.00 a week salary while he was gone. (F-653) She and her husband had a daughter, Melissa and adopted twin boys named William and John. The boys moved away as young adults and have not been heard of in years.

Betty's obituary is as follows from the Columbus Dispatch, Columbus, Ohio: TRUXAL Marie E. "Betty" Truxal, age 86, of Reynoldsburg, Ohio died on April 30 2004 at her daughter's home. Member of Church of Our Lady. Veteran of WW II-USAAF. Preceded in death by husband Charles "Jack" Truxal, brothers Henry L. Forte, Norman L. Forte, and William B. Forte. Survived by daughter, Melissa (Ronald) Barber; sister, Doris (John) Dudick; sisters-in-law, Anne P. Forte and Lois E. James; and brother-in-law, Mark (Wilma) Truxal and grandchildren, Nathan B. (Kelley) Doerfler, Roger J. (Heather) Doerfler, and Timothy C. Doerfler; two great grandchildren, Kyle Douglas and Ethan Chase Doerfler; and several nieces and nephews. Friend may call at the HILL FUNERAL HOME, 220 S. State St., Westerville 9 to 10 a.m. Tuesday. Mass of Christian Burial 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at St Paul Catholic Church, 313 N. State St., Westerville. Interment Blendon Central Cemetery. 
FORTE, Marie Elizabeth (Betty) (I11933)
3338 She had 3 living children with her husband before 1626 when her step mother wrote her will in 1626 including them. COATE, Rachel (I16516)
3339 She had a baby out of wedlock with a Bowen. Bowens and Barhams show up as witnesses with this family. Edward Owens was her bondsman for her marriage as her father had just died. John C. Hamilton was a witness to the Bond document. CALHOUN, Mary (I9266)
3340 She had approximately six children by her husband. DE FALAISE, Harlette (Herleva) (I7635)
3341 She had children by her first husband, a McMurtry when she married her second husband, James Young. Her son Samuel McMurtry likely received property from his father as a bondsman was named for him. On Nov. 10, 1755, her marriage to Jamesg was proved and recorded even though it had occurred in 1751. Women of that day could only have legal authority over their own lands (possibly inherited from her father or previous husband) by having their marriage contracts proved and recorded. The fact that she had that done at all showed some savy on her part, and suggests she came to her second marriage with land that she owned. TODD (OR BELL), Sarah (I6091)
3342 She had either died or married by the 1880 census as she no longer lived in her parents home at that time. PHILLIPS, Alica (I1847)
3343 She had multiple children and husbands. She had to be young enough to have children by Sudler also. Her last husband was a Manders. He could be the Thomas Manders who died on Kent Island bef 1707. She is listed in immigration records ins Cicely Evans and in 1680 as Cicely Evans Bright. The fact that she was listed under her maiden name in 1673 might not indicate that she was not married at the time due to reasons explained at The more likely possibility is that she married a Thomas Bright after she arrived in 1673. EVANS, Cicely (I10461)
3344 She had six sons who died in Battle at Harlaw. She founded a chaplainary in their and her husband's honor. MORTIMER, Isabel (I10129)
3345 She has a descendant on Gedmatch who distantly has matches to another possible descendant of this line.

GEDmatch Ref: 2811072 : P-42497256

Born: 5 Jul 1792, Chapel Hill, Orange, North Carolina, United S

Died: 1870, Hobbs Island, Madison, Alabama, United States

Union with: William Kirksey b. 1794, d. 1873


Granville Kirksey (b. 1838)
Andrew J Kirksey (b. 1834)
Eliza E Kirksey (b. 1833, d. 1850)
Edwin P Kirksey (b. 1831)
Mary Jane Kirksey (b. 1830)
Louisa Margaret Kirksey (b. 1824)
John William Kirksey (b. 19 Dec 1815, d. 24 Dec 1884)
George Kirksey (b. 1812)
GEDCOM ID#: 2811072

Donor Name: Christopher Reed Desley
Kit Number:
Name: *Chris Desley

(*Tasya Alexandria Barbour) [Migration - F2 - A] and (*Chris Desley) [Migration - F2 - F]

2 130,590,169 133,273,008 3.7 244
11 128,772,452 130,682,921 4.5 518
12 78,642,971 81,201,638 3.1 432
13 92,527,179 94,691,601 3 509
14 30,656,078 32,419,331 3.2 298
15 57,762,793 59,848,556 4.9 696
18 5,718,931 6,567,538 3.3 284
18 7,516,844 8,438,408 4 262
19 8,453,822 10,017,135 4.8 317
20 6,858,994 8,064,749 3.1 310
20 58,294,835 59,199,927 4 265
22 25,135,682 26,371,211 3.4 310
CONNALLY, Gelicho (I2095)
3346 She has also been listed as Amice de Gael as her father was from this region. DE MONTFORT, Amice (I13196)
3347 She has no DNA matches to Michael Danner's children. BEND, Anna (I10402)
3348 She held the title, Duchess of Normandy. (C-1351) DE VALOIS, Poppa (I13268)
3349 She is a descendant of Isabel de Vermandois and Hugh Magnus of France, Leader in the First Crusade. (C-1211) DE BEAUMONT, Margaret (I12997)
3350 She is a descendant of King Edward I and Geoffrey Plantagenet. (C-437, p. 591) WHITNEY, Elean(Or) (I12217)

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